Tryby warunkowe - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Choose the correct item.
2 A: But for/Only if your encouragement, l wouldn't have signed up for the art contest. B: With such talent, l knew you would win 3 A: Your brother is sorry, why don't you take him with you? B: I wouldn't change my mind even if but for he begged me. 4 A: As long as/Unless you work out regularly, you won't lose weight. B: I know, but with my busy schedule, it's hard to find the time. 5 A: Hurry up, but forlotherwise you'll miss the start of the film. B: All right, the popcorn is almost ready 6 A: Would you like to go out for dinner, Laura? B: I'd love to provided/unless you make reservations at our favourite restaurant
ODP: but for, even if,unless,otherwise provided

A: Can have some friends over tonight? B: Yes. Provided that you ...... (finish)all your chores first. Dałam finish

A: John, you could have phoned to let me know you'd be late. B: Sorry, April. If I .... (not/leave) my mobile phone at home, I ...... (call) you dałam: hadn't left oraz would have called

A: Would you like another cup of coffee? B: No, thank you. If I..........,... (drink) another cup, I ........(not/be able to) sleep tonight. I'll have some tea instead. Dalam: drink ora won't be able to

Zad3 Fill in the gaps with will should or whether.
I'm not sure.... I've got your telephone number. Dalam whether
lf Tara, tell her l'll be at work till 7 o'clock tonight. Dalam will
.....the rain continue, the concert will be cancelled dalam should
I don't know if I ... be able to come with you tomorrow i tu tez will

A: Bill, you missed a great football match last night! B: Iknow. If I didn't have to study so much for finals, l........ (see) it wpisaam: would have seen

I'm having a very hard time finding a job, Sophie.
Well, if you ......... (finish) your degree, you would have had many more job opportunities i to chyba nwm co wpisac bo wydaje mi sie ze powinien byc mieszany ale nie tsk jak tutaj ze 2 i3 tylko 3 i 2 bo przyczyna lezy w przeslodci a skutek w terazniejszosci ostatecznie doszlam do wniosku ze chyba autor ksiazki rsczej sie nie myli wiec dalam 3 cond czyli; had finished
hiya Patula. Myślałem, że ty maturzystka jesteś, a nie drugoklasistka.

1 zad ok
2 zad - w 3 mozna tez dac 2nd conditional
3 zad if Tara will call - źle
w ostatnim zgadzam sie z twoją uwagą
Hehe no na szczęście maturka dopiero za rok więc można podszlifować lepiej angielski :p
Z tą Tarą ogólnie to tak zawsze mówiono że ponid nigdy nie można will, a tu sobie czytam grame i patrze można :o tak jak na matmie że nie można dzielić przez zero a można tylko jest to symbol nieoznaczony (rozszerzam matme :p) ale wracając do Tary to powinno byc should
No i w ostatnim uwazam ze:
If you had finished your degree, you would have many more job opoortunities
o, a ja wlasnie jestem slaby z matmy. Nauczysz mnie kiedyś całkowania?
Zielonosiwy, przestań flirtować!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Grammar is fun


English only