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- an advert or TV commercial you love
I love Allegro TV commercial. This is very positive and touching TV commercial. This story is about old man who bought a dictionary and CDs to leart English. He learnt (słówek?) every day. Next he came to England. He visited his granddaughter fo the first time. He learnt English for her.
- I do not like Toyota TV commercial. Two men are talking about cars. It is very boring and too long for me. It irritates me.
- Brand Plus had got a memorable slogan. It sounds: Bravo you, bravo I. Volleyball players were performing in this TV commercial. I liked this, because this was invented with sense of humor.
- Two months ago I noticed an advert about laptop. I wanted to buy a new laptop, so I decided to choose exactly the same which I saw. Unfortunately after a few days a new laptop broke down.


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