Prośba o przetłumaczenie zdania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeśli chodzi o tą branże to także i Polacy odnoszą spore sukcesy w tej dziedzinie.
If it comes to this business sector the Polish people are doing very well too and they already relate some huge success?
Jak to inaczej ubrać w słowa?
Jeśli chodzi o tą branże to także i Polacy odnoszą spore sukcesy w tej dziedzinie.

Prosze nie sasmiecac calego forum pojedynczyny zdaniami. Juz to poprawilam w calosci. Ale:
When it comes to this area of business, the Polish are doing very well too and they have already achieved huge success.

I'd throw away this(when it comes jsut means something else..). You just say : Polish are successful in this area of business. It just makes no sense in english when you're trying to transalte senstence word by word.
...on the whole. you need some degree of awarness what the heck are you on about ...a lot of sentences are just goofy.
edytowany przez big.f00t: 10 lut 2017
sorry, dopiero zauwazylam, tam powinno byc 'the Poles'
nobody uses the Poles in real life...Polish English Candians Austrailians French ...

Not THE POLES , oh jesus ... just general unless you speak about some specific polish group ...

don't use The poles ... The poles as a definition OK ...just trust me
edytowany przez big.f00t: 11 lut 2017
Trust you?
You have not yet convinced me that you have any specific qualifications in English. perhaps a degree or Masters or a PhD?
I'm a true anrachist. A- absence ARCHON - rule.

No rule no master . I'm a free man. schools are communist prisons. I know this for a fact.

if anything ... not uni it's a waste of time...
edytowany przez big.f00t: 11 lut 2017
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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