Zadania z present simple oraz present continuous.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie tych zadan i ewentualna korekte.
Zad 1. Some of the verbs in these sentences are incorrect.

Correct them if necessary. Poprawic zdania, jesli to konieczne.

1. Do you need any help? ( "Any" mi tu nie pasuje)


2. What are you doing on Friday evening? (Poprawne)


3. I wear trainers today. (Tutaj chyba trzeba dodac koncowke "s" do wyrazu wear i "a" przed trainers?)

4. I don't like fast food. ( Tu trzeba chyba dodac "a" przed fast)


5. Look. That man wears pink shoes. (To rowniez trzeba dodac "a" przed pink )


6. "What's Sam doing? ' He's a dentist'. (Poprawne?)

Zad 2.

Complete the text messages with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Hey, Ryan. ....... (have) a bad day? Where are you?

2. I'm in town. with my mum.

3. Oh dear. for)?

4. A smart suit and shoes. I.....never wears...(never/wear) smart clothes! I

T-shirts and trainers.

5. I.......(know). a suit? - nie mam pojęcia

6.I...goes/going?.....(go) to my uncle's birthday party this Saturday.

Zad 3. Complete the pairs of senteces with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. with us to the cinema? from? - tu tez nie wiem. Where are you come from?

2.She never...wears..(wear) jeans to school.

I ..wears.....(wear) a new top. Do you like it? - nie wiem co oznacza w tym zdaniu "top"

3. ...Is...she...see/seeing?...(see) Martin very often? Oliver this evening?

4. My sister...plays....(play) bass in a rock band.

Thomas....plays..(play) the guitar. What a terrible noise!

5. I......hate...(hate) this ice cream. It tastes funny.

I....enjoy.....(enjoy) this pizza. It tastes great

Zad 4. Complete the conversation. Use the present continuous.

1. I...-...(text) Harry. We.....going........(go) to a football match on Saturday.

2. Can i come?

3. You don't like football! You only want to go because Harry.......going......(go)!

edytowany przez tomus323: 08 wrz 2012
Cytat: tomus323
1. Do you need any help? ( "Any" mi tu nie pasuje) jest ok

2. What are you doing on Friday evening? (Poprawne) ok

3. I wear trainers today. (Tutaj chyba trzeba dodac koncowke "s" do wyrazu wear i "a" przed trainers?) zdanie dotyczy uzycia czasow. zle poprawki

4. I don't like fast food. ( Tu trzeba chyba dodac "a" przed fast) nie

5. Look. That man wears pink shoes. (To rowniez trzeba dodac "a" przed pink ) nie.
nie dodaje sie 'a' przed rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej. zadanie dotyczy uzycia czasow

6. "What's Sam doing? ' He's a dentist'. (Poprawne?) nie.

1. Hey, Ryan. ....... (have) a bad day? Where are you? zawsze czy dzisiaj?

2. I'm in town. with my mum. zawsze czy teraz?

3. Oh dear. for)? zawsze czy teraz?

4. A smart suit and shoes. I.....never wears...(never/wear) smart clothes! 's' tylko w trzeciej osobie
I T-shirts and trainers. ok

5. I.......(know). a suit? - nie mam pojęcia need tylko w present simple

6.I...goes/going?.....(go) to my uncle's birthday party this Saturday. zle. powtorz zasady dubowania zdan w tych czasach.

Zad 3. Complete the pairs of senteces with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. with us to the cinema? niegramatyczne. sluchaj, jezeli odrabiasz prace domowa w domu, to zadaj sobie ten trud i miej przed oczami jakies regulki, przyklady, bo piszesz zupelnie niegramatycznie. from? - tu tez nie wiem. Where are you come from? niegramatyczne. zajrzyj do regulek

2.She never...wears..(wear) jeans to school. ok

I ..wears.....(wear) a new top. Do you like it? - nie wiem co oznacza w tym zdaniu "top" bluzka. teraz ma ja na sobie czy zawsze wklada tę samą nową bluzkę?

3. ...Is...she...see/seeing?...(see) Martin very often? nie Oliver this evening?

4. My sister...plays....(play) bass in a rock band. ok

Thomas....plays..(play) the guitar. What a terrible noise! czym to zdanie rozni sie od poprzedniego?

5. I......hate...(hate) this ice cream. It tastes funny. ok hate tylko w present simple

I....enjoy.....(enjoy) this pizza. It tastes great z enjoy jest inaczej

Zad 4. Complete the conversation. Use the present continuous.

1. I...-...(text) Harry. We.....going........(go) to a football match on Saturday. nigramatyczne

2. Can i come? ok

3. You don't like football! You only want to go because Harry.......going......(go)! niegramatyczne

1. Do you need any help? (poprawne)

2. What are you doing on Friday evening? (poprawne)

3. I'm wearing trainsers today

4. I don't like fast food. (poprawne)

5. Look. That man is wearing pink shoes.

6. What does Sam do? He's a dentist'.

Zad 2.

Complete the text messages with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Hey, Ryan. ....... (have) a bad day? Where are you?

2. I'm in town. I' with my mum.

3. Oh dear. for)?

4. A smart suit and shoes. I.....never wear...(never/wear) smart clothes! I

T-shirts and trainers.

5. I..know.....(know). a suit?

6.I'm...going.....(go) to my uncle's birthday party this Saturday.

Zad 3. Complete the pairs of senteces with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. with us to the cinema? from?

2.She never...wears..(wear) jeans to school.

I'm ..wearning.....(wear) a new top. Do you like it?

3...Does...she..see........(see) Martin very often? Oliver this evening?

4. My sister...plays....(play) bass in a rock band. the guitar. What a terrible noise!

5. I......hate...(hate) this ice cream. It tastes funny.

I',....enjoying.....(enjoy) this pizza. It tastes great

Zad 4. Complete the conversation. Use the present continuous.

1. I'm...texting...(text) Harry. We.....going........(go) to a football match on Saturday.

2. Can i come?

3. You don't like football! You only want to go because!
edytowany przez tomus323: 08 wrz 2012
2.2 ok, ale nie bylo polecenia, zeby uzywac czasownika 'do'. samo 'shop' tez oznacza 'robic zakupy'
3.2 wearing - zrobiles tam blad ortograficzny
2.5 zdanie z enjoying niegramatyczne. wstaw jedno slowo
4.1 zdanie z going niegramatyczne, wstaw jedno slowo

ogolnie wielka poprawa!
No rzeczywiscie, zjadłem wyrazy.
4.1 We are going
3.5 I'm enjoying

Teraz jest wszystko ok?
wszystko ok
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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