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Dear Mrs xxx
i am writing with reference to your advertisement on the internet regarding Foreign language courses in London
I would like to ask a couple of questions concerning your english course with native speakers.
First of all, i would like to know what types of courses you offer, i am a Upper-Intermediate and the most important for me is improving speaking sills. Can you offer course for me?
Furthermore i am interested in receiving information about location of your school .
And how to get to the school by subway or bus from the city center.
It would be useful for me to know schedule because during my stay in London, I am going to work and do not want work to interfere with lessons. Moreower It is not clear to me if the price includes the costs of accommodation. Unless I would appreciate it if you send me estimate price you offer.

I would be grateful to receive more details as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Kilka slow nalezy zaczac od wielkiej litery

moj poziom jest upper intermediate

course - zawsze policzalny w tym znaczeniu
the location (bo chodzi o lokalizacje konkretnego obiektu - konkretnej szkoly)
zdanie z how to get nie jers tpelnym zdaniem. Dlaczego nie polaczyles go z poprzednim?
schedule wymaga odpowiedniego przedimka
bede pracowal podczas pobytu w Londynie = inny czas
zdanie z unless zupelnie niejasne
My level of english is upper intermediate.
"Foreign language courses in London" taki nagłówek w poleceniu
Furthermore i am interested in receiving information about location of your school,
and how to get to the school by subway or bus from the city center.
miało być tak
during my staying in London
przed course w jednym ze zdan postaw odpowiedni przedimek
nie czytasz nawet dokladnie tego, co napisalem o location
subawy to slowo amerykanskie
nie rozumiem, do czego sie odnosi 'mialo byc tak'
pobut = stay
Dear Mrs xxx
I am writing with reference to your advertisement on the internet regarding foreign language courses in London
I would like to ask a couple of questions concerning your the english course with native speakers.
First of all, i would like to know what types of courses you offer, my level of english is upper intermediate and the most important for me is improving speaking sills. Can you offer course for me?
Furthermore i am interested in receiving information about the location of your school, and how to get to the school by underground or bus from the city center.
It would be useful for me to know a schedule because during my stay in London, I am working(will be working?) and do not want work to interfere with lessons. Moreower It is not clear to me if the price includes the costs of accommodation.
I would be grateful to receive more details as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Cytat: januszekpl
Dear Mrs xxx PRZECINEK
I would like to ask a couple of questions concerning your the NIE, TU NIE DODAWAJ SLOW english course with native speakers.
First of all, i would like to know what types of courses you offer, TU MUSI BYC KROPKA my level of english is upper intermediate and the most important for me is improving speaking sills. Can you offer TU BRAKUJE SL,OWA course for me?
Furthermore i am interested in receiving information about the location of your school, and how to get to the school by underground or bus from the city center.
It would be useful for me to know a WSZYSTKO JEDNO JAKI ROZKLAD ZAJEC? schedule because during my stay in London, I am working(will be working? ZDECYDUJ SIE) and do not want work to interfere with lessons. Moreower It is not clear to me if the price includes the costs of accommodation.
I would be grateful to receive more details as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,

Dear Mrs xxx,
I would like to ask a couple of questions concerning your english course with native speakers.
First of all, I would like to know what types of courses you offer. My level of english is upper intermediate and the most important for me is improving speaking sills. Can you offer the course for me?
Furthermore, I am interested in receiving information about the location of your school, and how to get to the school by underground or bus from the city center.
It would be useful for me to know the schedule because during my stay in London, I am working and do not want work to interfere with lessons. Moreower It is not clear to me if the price includes the costs of accommodation.
I would be grateful to receive more details as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Dzizas krajst.
course - zawsze policzalny w tym znaczeniu
the location (bo chodzi o lokalizacje konkretnego obiektu - konkretnej szkoly)
zdanie z how to get nie jers tpelnym zdaniem. Dlaczego nie polaczyles go z poprzednim?
schedule wymaga odpowiedniego przedimka

Dlaczego czlowieku nie odpowiadasz na pytania ktore ludzie zadaja na tym forum ?
Jaki jest sens uzywania ELICITINGu na forum internetowym gdzie 100% problemow dotyczy gramatki i pisowni ? uzywasz metod nauczycielskich - nie rozumiejac jak one dzialaja ! Zastanow sie ... eliciting ma sens tylko i wylacznie w mowieniu ! zeby zmusisz kogos do myslenia w angielskim... 100% tych problemow to gramatyka! tego sie nie da elicitowac !to jest zbior zasad ktory trzeba zapamietac i nie ma sensu tego racjonalizowac. tak sie uzywa nie inacvzej i kropka...po co to elicytujesz ? tracisz czas swoj i ludzi natym forum...
nie, to Ty tracisz swoj czas, udzielajac tu daremnych porad.
Czy ta wersja ciągle ma błędy?

Dear Mrs xxx,
I would like to ask a couple of questions concerning your english course with native speakers.
First of all, I would like to know what types of courses you offer. My level of english is upper intermediate and the most important for me is improving speaking sills. Can you offer the course for me?
Furthermore, I am interested in receiving information about the location of your school, and how to get to the school by underground or bus from the city center.
It would be useful for me to know the schedule because during my stay in London, I am working and do not want work to interfere with lessons. Moreower It is not clear to me if the price includes the costs of accommodation.
I would be grateful to receive more details as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
a course for me - bo uzycie the znaczy, że sam wiesz, o ktory kurs chodzi
bez przecinka przed and w zdaniu o location
'będę pracował'
nie, to Ty tracisz swoj czas, udzielajac tu daremnych porad.
... jak grochem o sciane ?
edytowany przez big.f00t: 19 sty 2017
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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