IQ, an abbreviationskrót for "intelligence quotientiloraz", is a score derived fromto derive from: pochodzić z, wywodzić się a set of standardized tests that were developed with the purpose of measuring a person's cognitivepoznawczypoznawczy abilities ("intelligence") in relation to one's age group. It is expressed as a number normalized so that the average IQ in an age group is 100 — in other words an individual scoring 115 is above-average when compared to similarly aged people. It is usual, but not invariableniezmienny, practice to standardise so that the standard deviationstandardowe odchylenie (?) of scores is 15. Tests are designed so that the distributionrozdział, rozkład, podział of IQ scores is more-or-less Gaussian, that is to say that it follows the bell curvenormalny rozkład. Scores on a given test in a given population have tended to rise across time throughout the history of IQ testing (the Flynn effect), so that tests need repeated renormalisation if these standards are to be maintained.

IQ scores are generally taken as an objective measure of intelligence. Because intelligence is difficult to define, the definition "Intelligence is what the IQ test measures" has been seriously proposed.

Modern ability tests produce scores for different areas (e.g., language fluency, three-dimensional thinking, etc.), with the summary score calculated as a some general measure, whose significanceznaczenie, waga, doniosłość is disputedsporny. Significantly, individual subtest scores correlate highly: with one another, and over diverse tests.

While it might be argued that IQ tests encodeto encode: kodować their creator's beliefs about what constitutesto constitute: tworzyć, stanowić intelligence, analyses of an individual's scores on a wide variety of tests will reveal that they all measure a single common factor and various factors that are specific to each test. This kind of analysis has led to the theory that underlyingpowodujący these disparateróżny, odmienny cognitivepoznawczypoznawczy tasks is a single factor, termed the g factor, that represents the common-sensezdrowy rozsądek concept of intelligence.

Opponents argue that it is much more useful to know which are the strengths and weaknesses of a person than to know that he or she holds a measureable superlative on n percent of the populace in some "general intelligence" measure. Such opponents often cite the example of two people with the same overall IQ score but very different ability profiles. However, most people have highly balanced ability profiles. Differences in subscores are greatest among the most intelligent, which may lead them to this misconceptionnieporozumienie, błędne mniemanie.

Others argue that IQ testing is unnecessarily narrowwąski, ograniczony and have proposed wider testing that covers emotional/social intelligence, creativity, artistic intelligence, etc. Proponents of this viewpoint often say "one's IQ is merelytylko, jedynie a measure of how good one is at doing IQ tests."

The modern field of intelligence testing began with the Stanford-Binet test. It is worth noting that Alfred Binet, who created the IQ test in 1904, was aiming to identify students who could benefit from extra help in school: his assumptionprzypuszczenie, założenie was that lower IQ indicatedto indicate: wskazywać, pokazywać the need for more teaching, not an inability to learn. Indeed, this interpretation is still held by modern experts. The term "intelligence quotientiloraz" comes from this test, in which each student's score was the quotientiloraz of his or her tested academic age with his or her actual age. Modern IQ tests do not calculate scores in this way, but the term IQ is still in common use.

(The following numbers apply to IQ scales with a standard deviationstandardowe odchylenie o = 15.) Scores between 85 and 115 are considered average—so a person scoring 95 is simply average, not below-average. The "normal" range, or range between -2 and +2 standard deviations from the mean, is between 70 and 130. A score below 70 is an indicatorwskaźnik of mental retardationopoóźnienie rozwoju umysłowego, niedorozwój umysłowy, and a score above 130 is an indicatorwskaźnik of intellectual giftednessuzdolnienie.

Some writers say that such scores outside the range 55 to 145 are essentially meaningless because there have not been enough people tested in those ranges to make statistically sound statements. Moreover, at such extreme values, the normal distributionrozdział, rozkład, podział is a less accuratedokładny, ścisły, prawidłowy estimateocena, szacunek, obliczenie of the IQ distributionrozdział, rozkład, podział.

Sex and IQ
Most IQ tests are designed so that the average IQs of males and females are equal. However, men tend to score higher in the parts of the test that cover spatialprzestrzenny and quantitativeilościowy abilities, and women generally score higher in the verbalsłowny, ustny sections. Some research has shown that the variancerozbieżność in men's IQ scores is greater than the variancerozbieżność among women's, as seen in other cognitivepoznawczypoznawczy test scores. This is why more men than women are found in both very high and very low scoring groups.

Race and IQ
The Bell Curve, published in 1994 by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, created great controversy among the scientific community and the public by suggesting that the average IQ of races differ. They claim that the mean IQ scores of African Americans are one standard deviationstandardowe odchylenie (15 points) lower than those of European Americans, and they attribute between 40 - 80% to genetic factors. Critics publicly claimed that their evidence for a 'genetic' factor was exacerbatedto exacerbate: pogarszać, drażnić by the lack of accountsprawozdanie, raport for some of the social factors believed to determineokreślać, warunkować IQ, such as economic status, stress in environment, and access to education. As a result of the book's controversial claims, Murray received bomb threatsthreat: groźba, pogróżka and was denouncedto denounce: potępiać as a racist by a number of public figurespublic figure: osoba publiczna, including Jesse Jackson.

Arthur Jensen was one of the earliest researchers to propose that the IQ gap between blacks and whites is best explained by a hypothesis that attributes at least some of the cause to genetic factors. His 1969 paper in "Harvard Education Review" also stated that compensatorywyrównawczy education was not very effective and that "genetic differences were more important than cultural or socioeconomic differences in explaining individual differences in IQ within the white population."

Many compilationscompilation: zbiór, kompilacja of average IQ by country place East Asian countries at the top of such lists. Some argue that this is in part attributed to some IQ tests' inherent biaswrodzona, dziedziczna tendencja towards testing spatialprzestrzenny reasoning. They argue that pictographic languages like Chinese or Japanese develop spatialprzestrzenny reasoning better than Roman languages prevalent in Europe and America. The same reasoning has been used to explain why students from Asia-Pacific countries (eg Singapore, South Korea) tend to score better than average in tests of mathematics. Some argue that the East Asian advantage can also be explained by more rigorous education programs. Opponents of these interpretations point out that people of East Asian descentpochodzenie who are born and educated in the United States and primarily speak English score better on average on IQ tests than their white peerspeer: rówieśnik.

Opposition to IQ testing
Many scientists disagree with the practice of psychometrics in general. In The Mismeasure of Man, Professor Stephen Jay Gould strongly disputes the basis of psychometrics as a form of scientific racism, objecting that it is:

...the abstraction of intelligence as a single entityjednostka, its location within the brain, its quantification as one number for each individual, and the use of these numbers to rank people in a single series of worthiness, invariablyniezmiennie to find that oppresseduciskany, prześladowany, ciemiężony and disadvantagedbiedny, ubogi, w niekorzystnej sytuacji, upośledzonyinnately groups--races, classes, or sexes--are innately inferiorniższy, gorszy and deserve their status. (pp. 24-25).

Later editions of the book include a refutationobalenie of The Bell Curve.

While public discourse on IQ testing is generally inflammatoryzapalny, podrzegający, IQ tests are used ubiquitouslywszechobecnie in research and education. In general, there is a disparityróżnica between the public perception of IQ testing and the opinion of intelligence researchers.

Some proponents of IQ have pointed to a number of studies showing a fairly close correlationkorelacja, współzależność between IQ and various life outcomesoutcome: wynik, rezultat, particularlyszczególnie, zwłaszcza incomedochód. Research in Scotland has shown that a 15-point lower IQ meant people had a fifth less chance of seeing their 76th birthday, while those with a 30-point disadvantage were 37% less likely than those with a higher IQ to live that long. Research by Charles Murray on siblingsrodzeństwo ( has shown that there is a strong correlationkorelacja, współzależność between IQ and earned incomedochód. The controversial study IQ and the Wealth of Nations claims to show that the wealthbogactwo, dobrobyt, zamożność of a nation correlatesto correlate: korelować, być współzależnym, mieć związek closely to its IQ score.

A study found that SAT was a de facto IQ test and SAT scores could be used in lieu of IQ scores for the purpose of psychological investigations. Mensa, a high IQ society, accepts individuals who scored at the 98th percentile, or 1300+ on tests scored priorprzed to 30 September 1974, and 1250+ on tests scored after that date through 31 January 1994. After the test was recentered in 1995, Mensa decided that the SAT was no longer an IQ test and does not accept SAT scores of 1300+ (renormed 98th percentile) from 1995 onwarddalej, naprzód, do chwilii obecnej, do dzisiaj for admission. However, tables to correlatekorelować, mieć związek (both historical and modern) SAT scores to IQ do exist.

Online IQ tests
Although such tests have become wildly popular with the explosion of the Internet in recent years, there is great reason to believe that these IQ tests are highly inaccurateniedokładny, niescisły in their estimationocena, szacunek of one's IQ. For example, by inputting random answers on one particular IQ test, an IQ of roughlyz grubsza, w przybliżeniu 80 is obtainedto obtain: otrzymywać, osiągać, uzyskiwać. Comparing results among a large set of people shows a common factor—most scores are above 110. Most of these websites attempt to sell certificates showing test results. It is therefore recommended not to take online IQ tests as a true judge of one's IQ.

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derived from
to derive from

pochodzić z, wywodzić się





standard deviation

standardowe odchylenie

bell curve

normalny rozkład




znaczenie, waga, doniosłość



to correlate

korelować, mieć związek

to encode


to constitute

tworzyć, stanowić




różny, odmienny




zdrowy rozsądek

to cite



nieporozumienie, błędne mniemanie


wąski, ograniczony


tylko, jedynie


przypuszczenie, założenie

to indicate

wskazywać, pokazywać



mental retardation

opoóźnienie rozwoju umysłowego, niedorozwój umysłowy




rozdział, rozkład, podział


dokładny, ścisły, prawidłowy


ocena, szacunek, obliczenie

to cover

obejmować, pokrywać






słowny, ustny



to exacerbate

pogarszać, drażnić


sprawozdanie, raport

to determine

określać, warunkować


groźba, pogróżka

to denounce


public figures
public figure

osoba publiczna




zbiór, kompilacja

inherent bias

wrodzona, dziedziczna tendencja










uciskany, prześladowany, ciemiężony


biedny, ubogi, w niekorzystnej sytuacji, upośledzonyinnately


niższy, gorszy




zapalny, podrzegający






wynik, rezultat


szczególnie, zwłaszcza








korelacja, współzależność

to correlate

korelować, być współzależnym, mieć związek


bogactwo, dobrobyt, zamożność


dalej, naprzód, do chwilii obecnej, do dzisiaj


niedokładny, niescisły


ocena, szacunek


z grubsza, w przybliżeniu

to obtain

otrzymywać, osiągać, uzyskiwać