Człowiek wygląd zewnętrzny – ćwiczenia online na słownictwo

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Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Wybierz właściwe słowa, żeby uzupełnić zdania.

  1. I have something in my  . Can you see it?

  2. Don't point your   at me!

  3. I remember Anna when she was  .

  4. I had   hair when I was at school.

  5. I never wear  .

  1. Please don't talk when you have food in your  .

  2. Sam is very healthy and quite  .

  3. Steve broke a big   yesterday.

  4. This film is only for   and you're only fifteen.

  5. Alice is the most   woman I know.

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Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
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Super strona do nauki angielskiego! WOW!

ja niewiem jak wy ale ja mam 10000000000000000000%