Cechy charakteru – ćwiczenia leksykalne na poziomie średniozaawansowanym

ćwiczenie nr
Twoja historia


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Wybierz właściwe słowa do uzupełnienia zdań.

  1. I was   when I saw that Roberta was wearing the same dress as me.

  2. Our day trip to the seaside was really  .

  3. You need to be a very   person if you're a taxi driver.

  4. Don't be so  ! Share your sweets with the other children.

  5. Karen's very   and has hardly any friends.

  1. I found it very   to be a witness in court.

  2. Peter is rather   of his elder brother's success.

  3. It's hard to be   when you don't have much money.

  4. One should never be   to a pet dog.

  5. Henry is   on becoming a dentist.

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Przymiotnik "old" można stopniować na dwa sposoby old - older/elder - the oldest/eldest

błąd w słowie older (jest napisane elder)