Pomieszczenia i części domu po angielsku – ćwiczenia leksykalne

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Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Wybierz właściwe słowa, żeby uzupełnić zdania.

  1. I had to rest on the   after going up five flights of stairs.

  2. We're converting the   into an indoor games room for the kids.

  3. There are some eggs from Granny in the  .

  4. I've arranged to meet Jack in the hotel   at two o'clock.

  5. A   is like a higher room within a room.

  1. After lunch we can sit out on the   and get some fresh air.

  2. Our visitors can sleep in the  .

  3. Water has leaked from the washing machine and the   is flooded.

  4. I'd love to have a   to keep my clothes in.

  5. We still put food in our   even though we now have a fridge.

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Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
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