Słownictwo angielskie ćwiczenia – poziom B1


Choose the word that fits the context.

Wybierz słowo, które pasuje do kontekstu.

  1. What   of music do you like?

  2. I'm too busy with work to have any   time these days.

  3. Have you heard the morning   yet?

  4. Oh no! I have to write an   about George Washington for my history homework.

  5. Water is coming out even when I fully close the  .

  1. Shall we have   or chicken for Christmas dinner?

  2. Why is there a big   of sand in the back garden?

  3. I was with my sister in the centre of London when she got lost in the  .

  4. You'll never get the car over that  . It's much too narrow.

  5. You'd be a   not to take the job.

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Choose the word that fits the context.
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