Słownictwo angielskie ćwiczenia – poziom B1


Choose the word that fits the context.

Wybierz słowo, które pasuje do kontekstu.

  1. The   was rather rude but I passed my driving test.

  2. Those   in the field are so full of energy!

  3. Jonathan's most   expedition was in Nepal.

  4. Please don't put any   in my salad.

  5. I don't think there's any   in these horrible burgers.

  1. Tim was   from school today. He had to go to the dentist.

  2. There's a strange   like old milk in the kitchen.

  3. I hate having to wear a   at work.

  4. Let's   a beer on the way home.

  5. How long have you had that nasty  ?

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Choose the word that fits the context.
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