Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne z (a)few i (a)little – ćwiczenia

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Put in few, a few, little, a little.

Uzupełniej zdania, wstawiając w puste miejsca few, a few, little, a little.

  1. I have money so I can get the cinema tickets for us.

  2. Jane's got friends who are single so I'll ask her to introduce you to them.

  3. There's flour left so unfortunately I can't bake a cake.

  4. I've got very winter clothes so I'm going shopping next week.

  5. I can make you some toast. There's honey if you like.

  1. When did you last play tennis? weeks ago.

  2. She shouldn't worry. Compared to me she has very problems.

  3. Mark gives me love and tenderness and that's enough for me.

  4. I've been skiing times and really enjoyed it.

  5. Sue pays me attention and it's really upsetting.

Więcej ćwiczeń dla Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne w języku angielskim:
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@Kacperp1000 Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z informacjami pod linkiem podanym na górze: Opis gramatyki

Kiedy dajemy "a" a kiedy nie ?


'Clothes' is an uncountable plural-only word, like 'scissors' and other tools, '(eye)glasses' and other visual equipment, and 'trousers' and other joined-pair garments.

Thank you, ang.pl

@lefuk Możesz policzyć- jeden problem, dwa problemy. Wiatru nie policzysz. A jedno i drugie jest abstrakcyjne.

no bo właśnie FEW jest do policzalnych a LITTLE do niepoliczalnych.

dlaczego "problems" to few? problemy są policzalne, mozna je wziąc do reki i ułożyć , czy to pojęcie abstrakcyjne?