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Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

Otóż moje polecenie p.d. domowej brzmiało streścić pewien artykuł z Newsweeka. Byłabym wdzięczna gdyby ktoś mi Go sprawdził:) Z góry dziękuję:)

My article is entiled "Beyond the Diploma Mills" which means...
It is abaut oncline education. The idea create distance learning via Internet had a goals contribute to efforts to clse the education divide.
In some countrys a lot of children are not attending to school. A cause are variety. May because of violent conflict in their home countries, due too long distance to school and also a lack of teachers. Besides that also 800 milion adults are illiterate.
Special program would allow students and teachers to meet online and work together, it was created by UNICEF, which working with Roundbox Global, a U.S. software company.Another online education programs is India's Open Schools, one of the largest and oldest distance-learning programs in the world. Now, it's disturbing course materials online and question banks. It's popular in poor country, where isn't enough a teacher and students have acces to free courses and textbooks.
Distance learning via the Net has also become a tool for training milions of new teachers needed to fill schools in underserved areas.
However, on the world is still a dearth of computers so mobile phones and even radios can bring Internet education in poor countries.
On the other hand, distance learning isn't a useful in primary school, becouse a vchildren need interacting with a real teacher. Morover oniline open-source software are not much use if teachers don't know how to use them. Besides with developming online education spread of the online fraudersts.
Summerizing, international education experts believe the use of the Internet and others sort of communication technology for education is likely to become the primary vehicle for education aid in few years.
My article is (zle slowo, uzywaj "titled") "Beyond the Diploma Mills" which means...
It is abaut(orto) online education. The idea TO create distance learning via the Internet had [a goals contribute to efforts..tu jest zle, ale nie wiem co chcesz napisac] to clOse the education divide.
In some countrys (orto), a lot of children DO not attend school. Possible reasons for this may include: violent conflictS in their home countries; long distanceS to school; and also a lack of teachers. In addition, almost 800 milion adults are illiterate (worldwide?).
(Zdanie jest koniecznie za dlugie..popraw sama) Special program would allow students and teachers to meet online and work together, it was created by UNICEF, which working with Roundbox Global, a U.S. software company.Another online education programs is India's Open Schools, one of the largest and oldest distance-learning programs in the world.

Now, it's disturbing (zle slowo) course materials online and question banks. It's popular in poor country (popraw, where
ale przeciez 'Beyond the Diploma Mills' nie znaczy to, co jest napisane w tym tekscie.
Po drugie, ten tekst przerasta twoje mozliwosci ang. i nie wiem czy bedziesz nawet umial zrozumiec te poprawki.
Dziękuję bardzo:) Wbrew oczekiwaniom innych zrozumiałam poprawki.


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