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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

1) Undrline the correct word(s).
Example: Did you go SOMEWHERE/ANYHERE/ANYTHING nice at the weekend? (anywhere)
1. She didn't do NOTHING/SOMETHING/ANYTHING last night.
2. You eat too MUCH/LITTLE/MANY sweet things.
3. I usually have a FEW/LITTLE/ENOUGH milk in my coffee.
4. Is there ANYBODY/NOBODY/ANYWHERE at home today?
5. I don't want SOMETHING/NOTHING/ANYTHING to eat.
6. These shoes aren't big TOO/ENOUGH/VERY.
7. ANYONE/SOMEONE/SOMETHING left their bag in the classroom.
8. He has TOO MANY/TOO MUCH/TOO money. He can't spend it!

2) Complete the sentences with the correct words.
Examle: What time did YOU GET UP? (get up you / you get up)
1. This film's boring. Turn (off it / it off)
2. I don't want this dress. Give (it away / away it)
3. These jeans are nice. Put (them on / on them)
4. What are you doing? I'm (looking my phone for / looking for my phone)
5. Can you (look after your brother / look your brother after) this evening?
6. Tom rang. Can you call (back him / him back)?

3) Choose from the pairs of adjectives to complete the sentences.
| boring/bored , exciting/exxcited , interestef/interesting , relaxing/relaxed , depressing/depressed , tired/tireing |

Example: The fim was really BORING. I nearly fell asleep.
1. I felt very... yesterday becasuse I failed an exam.
2. Yoga is very.... It helps me foreget ally my stress.
3. The match was really.... Our team scored in the last minute.
4. I'm not... in sport. I preder music.
5. I was... yesterday. I had nothing to do.
6. Walking around the ahopping centre was quite.... I need a rest!
Cos Ci się źle wkleiło, bo nie widać Twoich odpowiedzi.


Olimpiada języka angielskiego