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proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności poniższego tekstu. Jest to tłumaczenie z polskiego opisu produktu na angielski. Byłabym bardzo wdzięczna gdyby ktoś mógł rzucić okiem, bo czas mnie niestety nagli, a obawiam się, że mój business english nie jest na najwyższym poziomie.
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Purchasing Card
Bank X made available for polish clients the possibility of settling B2B payments by Purchasing Card with option of the deferred payment date even up to 60 days or option of settlement with cash at call in EUR or USD.
Benefits from Purchasing Card
• Discounts and allowances for earlier payment and extension of paying off liabilities – using the Credit Card as Purchasing Card enables earlier settlement of the payment against supplier, with the possibility to negociate lower payments against those suppliers. Equally the Purchaser can defer the payment against Bank even up to 60 days and within this time frame interest for financing against Purchaser is not being charged by Bank.
• Higher control over purchasing process – limitation of payments by the Purchaser to the specific amount (limit) as well as to the product range (for example only air tickets or purchasing in particular shopping malls)
• More information about the purchasing process – instant access to the information about payments, their categories and limits used on particular cards
• Processing payments in every currency all over the world – with Purchasing Card paynments can be made within a few seconds by every trading partner in the world
Types of Cards
According to the type of the Card (virtual, flat, convex, prepaid) pointed solutions might be implemented as a virtual card dedicated to remote payments and the plastic card, destined to financial transactions.
Types of settlements
Purchasing Card gives the possibility to make settlements from the major or dedicated account. User candecide whether the payment mode is daily, monthly or deferred payment date. Spending are settled directly from EUR/USD account.
Types of settlements made throuht the Purchasing Card:
• Payments for Hotels
• Payments for air tickets and train tickets
• Payments for conferences
• Administration payments
hej, to ma byc na stronke banku?
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popraw to, co juz zostalo wskazane jako bledy.
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