Tourism and GPD

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Witam, mam do zrealizowana 3/4 minutowa prezentację w języku angielskim. Temat jaki wybrałam dotyczy "Turystyki jako części PKB na przykładzie Polski" .
Temat jest rozległy a ja mam mało czasu więc treści są maksymalnie skrócone. Bardzo proszę o pomoc dot. gramatyki i napisanie ewentualnych opinii i wskazówek.

a o to treść całej prezentacji:

Tourism- part of GDP for example Poland

Today’s topic is Tourism- part of Gross Domestic Product for example Poland,

Simple Definition of tourism
-the activity of traveling to a place for pleasure
-the business of providing hotels, restaurants, entertainment, etc., for people who are traveling

About Global Tourism
-------chart the upward trend in tourism ----------------

In the last several years there have been changes in tourism development and changes in trends the tourist market. We can say that tourism is:
• dynamic area of the economy with a constant upward trend, both the supply and the demand,
• active factor of social and economic development,
• permanent part of state policy and international cooperation,
• a source of prosperity for other areas of economic activity, and activation of towns and entire regions

Tourism and GPD

--------scheme -----------

Now, I’m trying explain WTTC scheme. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) defines total contribution to GPD how the sum of direct, indirect and induced impact from tourism to GPD

In very briefly:
• DIRECT impact from tourism it’s
- commodities (eg . accommodations, transportations, attractions)
- industries (eg. accommodation service, transportation service, cultural, sports & recreation service, retail trade)
-source of spreading (eg. visitors exports, businesses domestic travel spending , individual government tourism and tourist spending)
• INDIRECT impact from tourism it’s
-Tourist &Tourism investment spending
-Impact of purchase from suppliers
• INDUCED impact from spending
-food and beverages
-household goods

Poland Tourism and GDP


These charts present Total income tourism to GPD and % whole economy GDP.
The total contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP was 75.3 million PLN in 2014 (4.4% of GDP) and is expected to grow by 2.7% to 77.4 billion PLN (4.3% of GDP) in 2015.
Though we can see rise trend in Global Tourism, situation at Polish Tourism isn't the same how other European Countries. Your income isn’t as high as other states but we are constantly developing and improving our performance and position on tourist market.
edytowany przez dom1n1a: 07 sty 2016


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