Krótki mail do przetlumaczenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I have refunded the most recent order and that will post back to your account in 2-3 days. Sadly we only refund the most previous as it is your responsibility to manage your account and contact us when the account is not cancelled.
I have refunded the most recent 'order' (nie, tutaj daj slowo 'payment', bo o to chodzi) and that will BE postED back to your account in 2-3 days. Sadly we only refund the 'most previous' (a dlaczego nie 'last'? payment) as it is your responsibility to manage your account and contact us when 'the account is not cancelled' (tutaj nie za bardzo rozumiem o co chodzi)


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


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