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Napisałem krótki tekst na temat Chińskiej giełdy. Proszę o sprawdzenie i wytknięcie błędów.

In one of the article in The Economist I read. "Shanghai's markets are still in their infancy".
It's true because Chinese market is growing, but certainly it is quite different than those in New York, London and Hong Kong. But this isn’t a bad, it’s good sign for people who don’t have thousands of millions in their accounts. They have opportunity to participate in healthy competition in the capital market without big players.
Newspaper says that China capital market is beset by corruption and price manipulation, but please tell me, you think these problems refer only this market? I think not and what more these problems are inherent part of all markets in the world. This same I think about accusation of government interventions in the market and information’s for insiders, with this little difference that the information is in Chinese.
Moreover this same newspaper says it is bad that wild swings and lawlessness has been on full display, giving for an example of arrest last November of Xu Xiang, head of Zaxi Investment, investors who pump up stocks, lure in unsuspecting money and then sell out after a few of days of gains.
This company has earned 3.200% return since 2009. This is wrong and unfair move, and showing it in public is the best thing they can do because their actions come to light.
Like I said earlier Chinese market is different from the others. It work differently and is not pay attention to the ongoing rules. People who want to make money on it must know how it this market works and in with direction it goes, otherwise China’s market can be compared to a casino.
Today the government is looking to insurance firms to play a bigger role. By their nature, these are long-term, patient investors, just kind that China lacks. What in my opinion finding insurance firms will not be a problem, because the Chinese market is growing explosively. Bond issuance last year reached 12,5 trillion Yuan, up from 7,7 trillion in 2014.
I have no idea how long this situation will be but methinks that not be long because Bloomberg and Reuters have dramatically increased their Chinese-language offerings, what proves about the interest of foreign investors.
Time will brings changes but today I see great potential of market and possibility for earn a lot of money.
In one of the 'article' (nie, tutaj musi byc l. mnoga, bo piszesz of the articleS) in The Economist I read. "Shanghai's markets are still in their infancy".
It's true because (przedimek) Chinese market is growing, but certainly it is quite different than those in New York, London and Hong Kong. But this isn’t a bad (tutaj dalabym 'sign'), it’s good sign for people who don’t have thousands of millions (ale czego pln? Euro? dollars? pounds?) in their accounts. They have (przedimek) opportunity to participate in (dalabym porzedimek) healthy competition in the capital market without (dalabym przedimek) big players.
(przedimek) newspaper 'says' (nie, bo papier nie moze mowic, moze byc 'states') that China capital market is beset by corruption and price manipulation, but please tell me, DO you think THAT these problems refer only TO this market? (prosze pisac wiecej uwazniej, bo tak to co drugie slowo trzeba dodawac, poprawiac..) I think not and what (tutaj brakuje czasownika) more these problems are (przedimek) inherent part of all markets in the world. 'This' (zle slowo) same I think (ale tutaj masz arse over tit...I think the same) about (przedimek) accusation of government interventions in the market and 'information’s' (co to jest za slowo? gdzie to znalazles?) for insiders, with this little difference that the information is in Chinese.
Moreover this same newspaper 'says' (states) THAT it is bad that wild swings and lawlessness 'has' (ale tutaj wymieniasz 2 rzeczy, a to wymaga l. mnoga) been on full display, giving 'for' (zle slowo, zle pojecie, tutaj AS) an example (brak przedimka) 'of' (niepotr) arrest last November of Xu Xiang, head of Zaxi Investment, investors who pump up stocks, lure in unsuspecting money and then sell out after a few 'of' (niepotr) days of gains.
'Like' (I like tomatoes, ice cream and chocolate, ale tutaj nie uzywaj like' tylko AS) I 'said' (lepsze slowo mentioned) earlier (przedimek) Chinese market is different from the others. It 'work' (ale przeciez 'it' to 3os.l.poj - nie wiesz, ze wtedy czasownik ma inna koncowke?) differently and is DOES not pay attention to the ongoing rules. People who want to make money on it must know how 'it this' (tego nie rozumiem, za duzo slow) market works and in 'with' (zle slowo, nie to miales na mysli) direction it goes, otherwise China’s market can be compared to a casino.
Today (dalabym przecinek) the government is looking to insurance firms to play a bigger role. By their nature, these are long-term, patient investors, just (przedimek) kind that China lacks. 'What' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) in my opinion finding insurance firms will not be a problem, because the Chinese market is growing explosively.
I have no idea how long this situation will be but 'methinks' (nie, tu masz slowo ktore calkowicie nie pasuje do 21szego wieku, reszta o high finance, a slowo z 16tego wieku, pooszukaj inne) that not be long because Bloomberg and Reuters have dramatically increased their Chinese-language offerings, 'what' (kalka z jez. polskiego, tutaj daj inne slowo) proves 'about' (nie podoba mi sie to slowo) the interest of foreign investors.
Time will 'brings' (hello, po modalu - przeczytaj co uzywamy) changes but today I see great potential of (przedimek) market and (przedimek) possibility 'for' (zle slowo, tutaj TO) earn a lot of money. ty robisz z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the)? Dlaczego ich nie uzywasz?
Aż mi głupio :) Bardzo Pani dziękuje!


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