Proszę o sprawdzenie e-maila (rezerwacja hotelu)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zadanie polega na napisaniu maila w sprawie rezerwacji hotelu na coś w rodzaju szkolenia dla pracowników. Proszę uprzejmie o poprawienie błędów:) Wygląda to tak:

Dear Sir,

We would like to organise very important seminar for our company Senior Managers.
We chose your hotel, Hotel Marine, because it satisfies us in a lot of respects. I would like to make a reservation and give You more informations connected our stay.
The seminar starts on Friday July 5th and ends on Sunday July 7th. There are 20 participants, 8 women and 12 men, everybody will have single rooms. Most of the Managers will come on Friday afternoon, a few of them later. The departure will be after 5 p. m. on Sunday evening.
Please prepare, if it is possible, both 1 conferences and 3 smaller seminar rooms, moreover overhead projector, flip chart, PowerPoint and VCR. Our stay we will start from a dinner on Friday, then 3 meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner on Saturday and Sunday. There will be some special requirements becase 2 participants are vegetarian, 4 don't drink alcohol, one uses a wheelchair and 6 are smokers.

Taking into consideration our expectations I would like to ask You to prepare appropriate rooms, meal and equipment.

I am waiting forward to getting a confirmation of my reservation from You.

Best regards,
dlaczego piszesz 'You' wielka litera?
Jak na email - to dla mnie troche rozwlegle- ale dobre.

We would like to organise 'A' very important seminar for our company'S
Senior Managers.
We chose your hotel, 'Hotel Marine' (czy nazwa hotelu jest potrzebna-przeciez do nich piszesz), because it satisfies us in a lot of respects.
I would like to make a reservation and give you more 'informatioN' (to jest rzecz niepol-niema *informations) connected WITH our stay.
The seminar WILL start on Friday July 5th and WILL end on Sunday July 7th.
Most of the Managers will come on Friday afternoon, 'a few of them later' (tego nie potrzeba).
Please prepare, if it is possible, both '1 conferences' (cos tutaj nie tak) and 3 smaller seminar rooms, 'moreover' (czy widziales kiedys to slowo w emailu?-nie- mozna po prostu AND) AN overhead projector, flip chart, PowerPoint and
VCR. Our stay 'we' (niepotr) will start from 'a' (niepotr) dinner on Friday. There will be some special requirements 'becase' (co to? nowy sposob na to slowo?- prosze popraw) 2 participants...
Taking into consideration our expectations I would like to ask you to
prepare appropriate rooms, mealS and equipment.
I 'am waiting' AWAIT 'forward to getting a' (niepotr) (mozna YOUR) confirmation of my reservation. 'from you' (niepotr).


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