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Mógłby ktoś mądrzejszy zerknąć na ofertę jaką napisałem i pokazać mi błędy stylowe lub merytoryczne jakie tam popełniłem. Czy generalnie ma to sens i można umieścić na stronie.

Dzięki z góry pozdrawiam

If you look for company which will install your kitchen furniture you are in a proper place. We are Executing an assemblies of kitchen furniture and appliances, from flat pack to installed kitchen. Generally we serve customers from terrains West Yorkshire including Leeds, Shefield, Wakefield and surrounding areas. We possess wide experience and full range of necessary tools to provide high quality kitchen installations in short time.
Deciding on our services you receive:

resonable prices
high quality of work
quick and elastic deadlines
many years experience gianed in Europe (Poland, Germany, Norway) and England

If you value your time and money.
Check our prices and terms, it does not cost you anything. All what you need to do is send project to quote on email or fax (0)111111 and we will send you back- price and first possible term of realisation.
Yours sincerely
Jacek Sobis
hej, tak szybko zerknelam na ten tekst i pierwsze co mi sie rzucilo w oczy......:

if you ARE LOOKING for a company.........
many years OF experience GAINED.......
All you need to do is send A project to quote.......
......we will reply, informing you about the price and the first possible term of realisation.

z tym realization mi cos nie pasuje.....i moze z tym quote..ale w sumie zmeczona jestem wiec pisze co widze ze jest zle na bank
If you ARE lookING for company which will install your kitchen furniture you 'are in a proper place' (nie, to mi sie nawet nie podoba - NEED LOOK NO FURTHER. We 'are Executing' FIT 'an' (niepotr) 'assemblies of kitchen furniture' KITCHENS and appliances, from flat pack to FULLY installed kitchen. 'Generally' (po co to?) We 'serve' COVER 'customers' (niepotr) 'from' (niepotr)'terrains' (slowo za formalne - nie pasuje tutaj) West Yorkshire including Leeds, ShefField, Wakefield and ALL surrounding areas.
We possess 'wide' (lepsze slowo - EXTENSIVE) experience and 'full range of necessary tools' (ale to jest normalne-nie potrzeba tego) to provide THE highEST quality kitchen installations in 'short' THE MINIMUM time POSSIBLE.

Przepisz to jeszcze raz, poprawiajac bledy - zobaczymy jak to bedzie wygladalo.
Deciding on our services you receive:
Deciding on our services you ARE GUARANTEED 'receive' (niepotr):
resonable prices
highEST quality of work
quick and 'elastic' FLEXIBLE deadlines
'many years experience' EXPERIENCED TRADESMEN 'gianed' 'GAINED' (niepotr) - WHO HAVE WORKED THROUGHOUT 'in' (niepotr) Europe (Poland, Germany, Norway) and England. (a England to nie jest w Europe?)

If you value your time and money.
Check our prices and terms, 'it does not cost you anything' - FOR FREE.
All 'what' (niepotr) you need to do is send US A project, to email xxx or fax xxx).
Yours sincerely
Jacek Sobis