czy to jest poprawne???

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prosze o sprawdzenie

i pytanie na poczatek, jak napisac na poczatku pracy przy nazwisku promotora doktor (tytul naukowy oczywiscie) X, PhD XX czy zostawic to po pl DR?
This dissertation describes issues relevant for the development of Polish ecological policy and the European Union.
Ecological Politics started to play a role after the United Nations Conference on Environment in Stockholm in 1972. The discovery of the new needs of society, an essential demand for innovative business ventures, modernization of industry, the innovative aspects of economic globalization and the progressive development in the twenty-first century, forced the international community to take action-friendly environment.
EU attaches great importance to environmental protection. The activities of the policy action is geared towards maintaining and improving the environment, health and concern for human life, the rational management of natural resources.
Polish environmental policies is growing rapidly especially since the start of accession with the European Union.. The implementation of the principles of EU environmental law is beneficial to improving the environment in Poland.
The harmonization of Polish law with EU standards in the field of ecology is to polish with a good view of the socio-economic development, which shows the report "Five years in the European Union, Polish.
This dissertation chce zmienic na PRACA LICENCJACKA A NIE MGR. prosze o pomoc