CAE writing - report

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Czy ktos moglby mi pomoc w przygotowaniach do CAE ?

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The aim of this report is to describe my personal language-learning experience. I have a Master degree in Spanish filology and I was a student in an Enlish privet school.

Firstly, while I was learning Spanish and English I found that each of them required different method. While in Spanish language I had to focused more on grammar, in English I had to practise pronunciation constantly.

In addition, I have to write that I’ve learnt Spanish at the university reading Spanish literature with academic tutors which provided me more profesional education. On the other hand, English classes twice a week forced me to study more at home which allowed me to choose my favorit way of learning.

The strengths and weaknesses of the ways in which I have learnt both languages are that academic education put more attention on extremlly formal expressions in contrast to a wide range of english dialects which I could hear in privat school.

As far as I concernd, it would be advisable for me to emigrate to the USA and live in a Spanish district. It could be the only way to prictise both languages at one time.

Prosze o poprawienie bledow i wskazowki na przyszlosc.

Z gory dziekuje !!
I have aN 'Master degree' (MA) in Spanish 'filology' (niepotr) and I was a student in an Enlish 'privet' (zle slowo) school.

Firstly, while I was learning Spanish and English (ale o tym ze znasz ang. nic wczesniej nie pisalas) I found that each of them required (brak przedimka) different method (ale czego?). While in (brak przedimka) Spanish language I had to 'focused' (focus) more on grammar, in English I had to (ja dalabym to 'constantly' tutaj) practise pronunciation constantly.

In addition, 'I have to write that' (niepotr) 'I’ve' (tutaj tylko 'I') learnt Spanish at the (daj tutaj nazwe, imie Uni) university reading Spanish literature with academic tutors which provided me WITH (brak przedimka) more 'profesional' (ortog) 'education' (dla mnie to slowo tu nie pasuje, dalabym 'approach'). On the other hand, English classes twice a week forced me to study more at home 'which allowed' (daj 'allowing') me to choose my 'favorit' (ortog) way of learning.

The strengths and weaknesses of the ways in which I have learnt both languages are that academic education 'put' (masz na mysli 'puts' ale to slowo jest za 'niski' lepiej 'places') more attention on 'extremlly' (ortog) formal expressions in contrast to a wide range of 'english' (duza litera) dialects which I could hear in (brak przedimka) 'privat' (ortog) school.

As far as I AM 'concernd' (ortog), it would be 'advisable' (nie za bardzo, tutaj lepiej 'advantageous') for me to emigrate to the USA and live in a Spanish district (ale gdzie 'USA to duzy kraj). It could be the only way to 'prictise' (ortog) both languages 'at one time' (jak piszesz juz na tym poziomie to staraj sie uzywac 'wyzszych' slow, tutaj 'simultaneously')
Czy moglbym prosic o wyjasnienie dlaczego uzywa sie 'an' przed 'Master degree'?
Cytat: labtes
Czy moglbym prosic o wyjasnienie dlaczego uzywa sie 'an' przed 'Master degree'?

nie, zle zrozumiales moja poprawe. Ja dalam AN MA in Spanish, a nie 'an Master', niepotrzebnie pisac Master degree- jak mozna 'an MA' znaczace to samo.
Wybacz terri :) Dziekuje.
tak, ale nalezy zwrócic uwage ze w writingu liczy się liczba słów... MA to jedno "słowo" Master degree to już dwa. tak samo z don't a do not :)
aha, to teraz nie wiem, czy celem jest tylko napisac (powiedzmy) 200 slow rozciagajac slowa, czy napisac scisle, na temat i przekazac jak najwiecej informacji.
i toi to. Napisac na temat..zawrzc wszystkie punkty zadane w temacie... ale na tyle zwiężlezeby zmiescic sie w limicie. Czasami moze Ci braknąc szczegolnie przy 1 zadaniu gdzie limit to tylko 18[tel]słów. Wiec moja rada jest taka ...pisz swoje ale rozdzielaj słowa które sie da. Sczezgólnie pomocne przy wersji komputerowej... gdzie samo liczy słowa. Na papierowej chyba nie liczą co do słowa..ale nie ryzykowałem..i pisałem rozdzielając.
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