Let\'s form a CAE/CPE group.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I wonder if it wouldn\'t be great to form a CAE/CPE group on Paltalk. I\'m sure it would be more efficient than just typing letters in discussion forums. I advise you to buy mics, sign up to paltalk and finally start effective cooperation.
Could you please tell me more about Paltalk? Thanks!
PalTalk is the next generation instant messenger which allows you to talk with and see your friends, family and colleagues right from your PC from anywhere in the world. After a quick registration process where you choose your personal nickname & password, PalTalk\'s small footprint (file size) makes download and installation a snap. Add as many friends as you wish to your buddy list, their names illuminate when they log in, so you\'ll conveniently know when they come online.
PalTalk is alive! PalTalk\'s vibrant online community offers the opportunity to meet and interact with people from all around the world. Make new friends as you take part in fun & provocative discussion groups. Learn first-hand and discuss current events with people who actually live where the news is unfolding. Want to host your very own show? On PalTalk, you can create and host your own groups on almost any topic imaginable, like romance, music, politics and more. As group administrator, you have full control over subject matter, group participants and speaking access to the floor.

The group I\'m going to form will be for CAE/CPE exam takers or people who are at a similar level.

You can find more information on www.paltalk.com
Moze w koncu sie uda
Maybe,but not everyone have access to such applications. Some computer networks are monitored to not install such things like Paltalk /at work,at University/. More over some people have too slow connection. I think that we should stay with more traditional methods...like for examle yahoo group proposed by Czarodziej.
I can\'t agree with you. Paltalk\'s minimum requirement for connection speed is 28,8 kb, so it\'s possible to connect to it even via old modem. What I also want to say is that there are fewer people whose acces to the Internet is limited by any means than are people who have a full access to it. So it still seems to be a good idea. Anyway, the decision is yours; make the righ one then.
Jesli ktos jest zainteresowany to prosze o kontakt na [gg] . Prosze o umieszczenie takich informacji jak: dni i godziny zajec, jak wygladala twoja nauka dotychczas - w kilku slowach, do jakiego egzaminu sie przygotowujesz. Pozwoli mi to dobrac czas dobry dla jak najwiekszej liczby zainteresowanych.
Zachecam was do uczestnictwa w lekcjach. Na razio byla nas tylko 4. Mam nadzieje ze jeszcze ktos dolaczy.
Spotkanie bylo naprawde bardzo fajne, a osoby uczestniczace w nim chetne do wspolpracy, pelne pomyslow i naprawde chcace sie uczyc. Poziom znajomosci angielskiego pomiedzy FCE a CAE ale mamy tez kolege ktory sluzy nam radami i wsparciem merytorycznym, ktorego znajomosc jezyka jest na poziomie CPE. Zadajemy sobie cwiczenia do domu, ale takze robimy je w trakcie spotkan. Poza tym na naszych spotkaniach pojawiaja sie goscie z roznych czesci Swiata, ktorzy tak jak my ucza sie lub mowia po angielsku i jest to swietna okazja do tego by porozmawiac po angielsku niekoniecznie z Polakami. Spotykamy sie narazie 2 razy w tygodniu w poniedzialki i srody pomiedzy 22 a 23:30. Wszystkich chetnych naprawde zachecam do chociazby posluchania jak to wyglada a pozniej moze i stalego uczestnictwa. Pozdrawiam i zapraszam, Grze$ ;).
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