Motivational techniques in learning languages.

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I\'m not a good writer so it\'s hard for me to express clear thoughts in writing so please don\'t accuse me of wordiness. I\'m sure that being on a level like CAE may be enough for some people it was enough for me too but after some time I decided to learn English and take CPE exam. And here at this point I found myself in quite a difficult situation which is that I have somehow lost my motivation. I am sure that it\'s beacase I\'ve achieved my aim which was to be able to communicate fluently in speech, now I want to know more but I still suffer from lack of motivation. What to do ? I\'m sure you have been in such a situation. What did you do to overcome your motivational breakdown ?
why don\'t u start a support group?
what city are u from?
I\'m about halfway between intermediate level and FC and I\'ve laready come accross the problem. I still can\'t solve it completely but chatting with some native speakers and other foreigners via IRC helps quite much. When waiting for something, e.g. standing in a queue, I try to describe a present situation or objects around as precisely as possible and I write down some words I don\'t yet know to look them up at home.
I\'m afraid there\'s no comparison when it comes to our levels but good luck anyway :)
The problem described above is encountered by most people learning english, no matter at which level they are. I think this is because of some tiredness which appears not only when learning a language but also when mastering other domains. It seems to me the best way to restore motivation is to try to get to know other, much more difficult things connected with the language such as for instance, translating poetry... which is, according to me, the most difficult.
I think it is a common problem. After I finished my HNC in Computing (which took two years, part-time) I decided to continue my study and joined an HND course. Unfortunately, I had a car crash just before the end of Term 1. I did not finish the course, but I am not blaming the accident. I realised that I was tired and did not fancy sacrificing another year. I had a \"hangover”. Probably, I should have taken a break but at that time I wanted to find a better job and was desperate to better myself (and my CV). If you do not need to prove your abilities I don’t know why you want to take CPE at all. However, if you need a piece of paper then you can easily postpone taking the exam and meanwhile just read, watch movies or, as Kekon suggested, translate. Who knows, you may earn a few bob this way ;-)…
I have a little “taskette” for you straight away: translate “Jesien w Pekinie” by Boris Vian from Polish to English. There is no English translation of this book…would you believe.


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