
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy ktos ma pomysl jak przeksztalcic ta parafraze?

Installation of a new computer system is currently taking place at our head office.

A new computer system....

so what do u think?
A new computer system is currently being installed at our head office.

czasownik 'install' wzial sie z rzeczownika 'installation'
wiem wiem...
a czy to jest correct??

she listened to a recording of the piece and worked out how to play it.

she taught...herself to play a recording piece by piece?
She taught herself (how) to play the piece, a recording of which she listened to. (jezeli chodzi o poprawne zagranie tego kawalka muzyki)

She taught herself (how) to play a recording of the piece she listened to. (jezeli chodzi o poprawne zagranie nagrania tego kawalka)
wiem ze to moze male przegiecie ale czy moglabym wyslac kilka innych parafraz do sprawdzenia?
thank you from the mountain :)
wrzucaj je spokojnie tutaj ;)
I only realized the full implications of what had happened some time later.

It wasn't...until some time later then I realized the full implications of what had happened.

We can only invite a limited number of people.
There is...a limit(limitation?) to the number of people we can invite.

Nobody could have done anything to prevent the problem from arising.
Nothing that...

You can be highly intelligent but not have much common sense.
Having... been highly intelligent does not mean you have much common sense.

He has been put in charge of re-organizing the department.
He has been made...responsible for re-organizing the department.

>I only realized the full implications of what had happened some time
>It wasn't...until some time later {that} I realized the full
>implications of what had happened.
>We can only invite a limited number of people.
>There is...a limit to the number of people we can
>invite. OK
>Nobody could have done anything to prevent the problem from arising.
>Nothing that...could have prevented the problem from arising was done. chyba tak
>You can be highly intelligent but not have much common sense.
>Having... been highly intelligent does not mean you have much common
>sense. ???
>He has been put in charge of re-organizing the department.
>He has been made...responsible for re-organizing the department. OK
R U 30 y.o?
btw, thx.
no, I'm not
Ja bym tak zrobiła

Nobody could have done anything to prevent the problem from arising.
>Nothing that anybody could have done would have prevented the problem from arising.
>You can be highly intelligent but not have much common sense.
>Having high intelligence does not mean having much common
>sense. (?)
she listened to a recording of the piece and worked out how to play it.

A tu nie będzie:

"she taught... herself how to play the piece by listening to a recording"?
osobiscie uwazam, ze zadanie typu parafraza generuje wiecej, niz jedna z mozliwych opcji; stad wnioesek, iz wszelkie opcje mozna brac pod uwage jako poprawne odpowiedzi
To prawda, że może być kilka opcji odpowiedzi. Jednak Twoja pierwsza propozycja nie oddaje informacji, że nauczyła się grać ze słuchu. Natomiast druga propozycja pochodzi chyba z jakiegoś alternatywnego świata, w którym trzeba się uczyć odtwarzać nagrania poszczególnych tworów.(?)
>she listened to a recording of the piece and worked out how to play it.

także: she taught herself to play the piece by ear
>także: she taught herself to play the piece by ear

Przeczytałam powyższe, przyjęłam do wiadomości. Potem włączyłam wideo (o to: i zaraz natknęłam się na to wyrażenie play by ear w rozszerzonym znaczeniu (facetka mówi "sometimes you have to play these things by ear") :)
a ja natknąłem się ( na opowiastkę o przedszkolaku, który powiedział, że będzie miał 'a sissy fit' - tu też przydało się
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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