Krótki opis grafu

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Dobry wieczór,
Poprosiłbym o sprawdzenie tej krótkiej formy wypowiedzi. Takie "ostatnie szlify" przed jutrzejszym egzaminem BEC Higher.

The graph presents passanger revenue and the perecentage of trains arriving on time from Cruiseline for each quarter of two year period, 2[tel].

Cruiseline ‘s profits rose steadily from first quarter of 2005 to second quarter of 2006 with only one change in the 4th quarter when the earnings dropped from a previous level of 300mln to 290 mln.

Profits from a factory were the highest with a record profit of ~$325 million in the second quarter of 2006, but started decreasing rapidly in the third quarter to a final value of around $225 mln at the end of the year.

Percentage of the trains arriving on time was the highest at the beginning of 2005 and it was quite stable for one and half year before dropping suddenly in 3rd quarter to 70%. The percentage soon rose slightly to 75%.

The graph shows the percentage of trains arriving on time which is positevely correlated with passanger revenues. That can be seen mostly in the third quarter when percentage of trains arriving on time plummeted suddenly.
The graph presents 'passanger'(bladortog, slowo jest passenger) revenue and the 'perecentage' (blad ortog) of trains arriving on time from Cruiseline for each quarter of (tutaj dalabym przedimek 'a') two year period, 2[tel].

Cruiseline ‘s profits rose steadily from (przedimek) first quarter of 2005 to (przedimek) second quarter of 2006 with only one change in the 4th quarter when the earnings dropped from a previous level of 300'mln (sprawdz czy to tak sie pisze) (daj w calosci million) to 290 'mln' (popraw).

Profits from 'a' (czy nie wiesz o czym mowa, jak tak to 'the') factory were the highest with a record profit of ~$325 million in the second quarter of 2006, but started decreasing rapidly in the third quarter to a final value of around $225 'mln' (million) at the end of the year.

Percentage of the trains arriving on time was the highest at the beginning of 2005 and it 'was quite' (zrob to inaczej, daj 'remained') stable for one and half year before dropping suddenly in (przedimek) 3rd quarter (daj tutaj rok, bo nie jest jasne o ktorym mowa) to 70%. The percentage soon rose slightly to 75%. (trains on time?)

The graph shows the percentage of trains arriving on time which is 'positevely' (blad ortog) correlated with 'passanger' (blad ortog) revenues. That (napisz co? correlation? point?) can be seen mostly in the third quarter when (przedimek) percentage of trains arriving on time 'plummeted suddenly' (zla kol slow, daj suddenly plummeted.)
Bardzo Ci dziękuję za poprawę, terri, mam teraz znacznie większą pewność przed egzaminem - bo w podobnym guście staram się robić większość opisów wykresów etc. A teraz rozumiem już gdzie masowo popełniałem błędy :)
Miłego wieczoru!
Dziekuje bardzo. We aim to please.......
..a nie' half a year '..nie wiem , ja bym tak dał
stable for one and half year ja bym dał 'one and A half yearS'
'plummeted suddenly' (zla kol slow, NO, IT AIN'T daj suddenly plummeted.)
edytowany przez Aaric: 16 cze 2017
...figures rock bottomed/ sky -rocketed :) ..takie zwroty słyszalem też.
plummeted suddenly' (zla kol slow, NO, IT AIN'T daj suddenly plummeted.) I take it back. Wersja terri pasuje lepiej do kontekstu.
Wersja terri pasuje lepiej do kontekstu
..tak ,owszem ,że tak jest.." ....and yet to mention , a rapid increase in these figures always seemed quite predictable )
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 16 cze 2017
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