your opinion on learning English

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What do you think? Why do we larn English? To have the ability to communicate with the others, or to know a lot about this language, or to show off, or... When I read some comments here and read about how to use this language, which word is perfect, 100 posts about pronunciation of one word I'm starting to think about the main reason of every language : COMMUNICATION. We are perfect in grammar, in all the rules but very often then we go to English speaking country and have problems to understand others. So my appeal to everybody in here: first think why do you want to learn English?
And I'm sure now a lot of you will be trying to correct all my mistakes :) but it's not about that.
I started learning English out of fashion and willingness to show off I can use it.
I continued learning it for practical purposes e.g. making money, being able to read state-of-the-art scientific articles. I decided to take CPE just to be able to get better job or start officially teach and translate.
I've started learning english long time ago, thanks to my parents. They tought it'll be good for me, and it's obvious they were right ;) Now, as I'm older, I can tell that main reason to learn english is communication, indeed :)
Although i don't like the sound of the language it's told to be a new esperanto let's say, so it's told to be the most important reason than!
its basically an international language and its the best thing I can see in it :d on the other hand I am forced to learn because I live here in England, well, anyway, I enjoy it. What else is such easy and logical? :D
At first I started learning English because I had English classes at school, I was eleven at the time and obviously I had no command of the language whatsoever. For the next few years my English hardly improved, I did just enough work on English to not get stuck in the same class, it would be embarrassing to fail at English. When I was a teenager I finally decided to start learning english but this time for real. Half a year later I was only getting A grades. What prompted me to actually learn the language. There were multitude of reason. For starters learning a foreign language actually improves your cognitive abilities even outside of speech related tasks. But the most important thing to me was the ability to tap into the huge amount of knowledge-base that is often unavailable in polish. The next thing on the list is entertainment. I'm not really fond of subtitles and I absolutely detest movies dubbed by single reader.
When a pretty girl is talking I want to hear her velvet voice and not the voice of some man. A proper dubbing goes a long way to make the movie enjoyable, though. Unfortunately good dubbing is hard to come by. Then there is the subject of employment, speaking English can give you an edge over the competition who maybe otherwise as good as you. Speaking of english certificates, I decided to get one to make myself look better in the CV. What certificate employers consider to be the most desirable?
Maybe for our future ? I can wrong but I think we learn this language for better life and new experiences . Spanish is as good as English... or better!
The best language to learn is LATIN. Once you know that (good enough to hold a conversation) other languages are ever so easy.
I do agree with your opinion. Latin is so difficult that everyone, who tryes to learn it, has big problems with grammar, vocabulary, translations ect. Only it's pronanciation is easy. I studied foreign language and Latin was obligatory :(. I had to learn more Latin than for my studies. It had no sence.
Now I can say, English is not so difficult!
I do agree with your opinion. Latin is so difficult that everyone, who 'tryes' (blad ortog) to learn it, has big problems with grammar, vocabulary, translations 'ect' (jak juz uzywasz to prosze poprawnie ETC). Only 'it's' (to jest zle napisane, powinno byc ITS, to co napisales to IT IS) 'pronanciation' (ortog) is easy. I studied (brak przedimka) foreign language and Latin was obligatory :(. I had to learn more Latin 'than' (zle slowo) for my studies. It had no 'sence.' (ortog)

Poprawilam troche, bo nie lubie czytac z bledami.
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