What type of noun is 'time'?

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What type of noun is 'time'?
I need to now it.
Please help me!!!
You need to now it. /?/
time is an abstract noun
lub po prostu common noun
No, not "just" a common noun. A 'toy' is also a common noun.
Both are common in the first place but further semantic distinction breaks them down into 'abstract and concrete."
yeah, I know - but first you can divide the nouns into proper nouns and common nouns; then, you can subdivide common nouns into count nouns and mass (uncount) nouns, or, as you said, classify them as concrete nouns and abstract nouns
as you can see now, the beginning is with the common noun term
>>as you can see now, the beginning is with the common noun term

This is what I said, you said 'just a common'

oh yes, I should've put my words in a slightly different way in the first place
my bad
no big deal, not worth splitting hairs over such 'angel tit" :)
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