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Sediments of the New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary

The marsh-building projects, as beneficial and useful as they are, represent a relatively limited example of the redirection and reconfiguration of feedback loops within the dredge cycle toward the synthesis of new functional and resilient landscapes. A broader and more creative synthesis requires, at a minimum, an expansive understanding of the larger geographic and sedimentary context of dredge operations in the Harbor estuary. In preparation for an event we organized in New York City last fall — DredgeFest NYC

— the Dredge Research Collaborative undertook research intended to begin to describe such a wider context.

Like all harbors within urbanized territories, the estuary receives additional sediment from anthropogenically-accelerated erosion. The main sources for these streams of accelerated sediment are processes of agriculture and urbanization taking place within watersheds feeding the harbor (primarily the Hudson, Raritan, and Passaic). While globally other major contributors to accelerated erosion include mining and deforestation, those processes contribute minimally to the New York-New Jersey harbor estuary.

Using tabulated data from US Army Corp of Engineers New York District [25], we mapped dredge operations in the harbor estuary from 2009 to 2012, showing both locations being dredged and locations where that dredged material was re-deposited, within the harbor and beyond.

That mapping shows that most harbor dredge material is currently applied to the HARS, or the offshore Habitat Area Remediation Site, as a remedial cap atop an underwater mountain of last century’s contaminated wastes, known affectionately as the Mud Dump Site [26]. Like the sediments being applied to construct salt marsh in Jamaica Bay, the majority of this dredge cap comes from the deepening of the harbor’s shipping channels to accommodate the larger ships associated with the Panama Canal Expansion. Once the capping of the HARS site is complete, a new deposition location for the majority of the Harbor’s dredge material will be required. Some of it will likely find its way to wetland restoration and beach nourishment projects. Other sediments will be applied to various post-industrial remediation sites around the region, typically as caps for contaminated soils on heavily toxic sites such as abandoned refineries and chemical processing facilities along the Chemical Coast. At greater distances, trains and trucks have carried loads of silt, sand, clay, and rock to sites as distant as abandoned coal mines in central Pennsylvania and the “Tire Pond” near Hartford — quite literally, a pond that was choked with millions of illegally dumped tires. Such unusual uses can be expected to account for some volume of future dredge operations. The rest is still unknown and yet to be designed.
Spróbuj dać swoje tłumaczenie. Jeżeli masz taki tekst, to na pewno jesteś w stanie chociaż połowę przetłumaczyć.
podzielam: wklej samodzielne tlumaczenie (np. dwoch pierwszych akapitow) lub znajdz tekst na swoim poziomie
nie jestem niestety moj poziom angielskiego to B1 a ten tekst jest z zajec z rewitalizacji wiec no czarna magia ;(
to tak powiedz wykladowcy.
anthropogenically-accelerated erosion - antropogenicznie (sprawdź sobie znaczenie) przyspieszana erozja
sediments - osady
watershed - dział wodny (rozdziela 2 rzeki)
accommodate - przystosowywać
a pond that was choked with millions of illegally dumped tires - staw, który został zapchany nielegalnie wyrzuconymi oponami
dredge - pogłębianie dróg wodnych, generalnie pogłębianie
resilient - wytrzymały, szybko regenerujący się, sprężysty

Miłego tłumaczenia :D
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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