Writing in English

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Haha! And what are you going to do with those, Terri?
The same thing that men do with very fast cars, when a bus cam get you from A to B....
you ;ve misunderstood my point @jojo M ..I am not in depths of despair because of things that had happened I just get this over and done with once and for all I've never wanted to be lied nobody wants to .. to take off gloomy mood I'm going to to discuss about everything and anything if only my time allows to do so
1. Why is it that generally small (i.e. not very tall) men like big cars?
2. Why is it that tall girls like to go out with small men with fast cars?
@Robbertoxx But of course, no one wants to be lied to, no one wants to be made fun of, no one wants to be cheated on, or driven absolutely bonkers by their neighbours (Polański /Trelkovsky), but are you really going to crawl up that window again and send your already bleeding body through the shuttered glass onto the ground for the second time to make absolutely sure you won't have to face the disappointments of this world again...? ok I got carried away :) [It's a great film, though!] What I'm saying is, so what, someone hurt you (or whatever) and you decide everyone else will so it's better to hide from certain things and never allow yourself to experience what could have been otherwise a wonderful thing. Watch Pay it Forward, it's a good-feel film for a Sunday.

@Terri, must have been a tall girl that stole your short man, otherwise I see no reason anyone would repeat such cliches. Come on now.
>>>@Terri, must have been a tall girl that stole your short man, otherwise I see no reason anyone would repeat such cliches.
Why do you suppose that? The fact that 'girls like diamonds' does not mean to say that I do. When I said you could buy me 'diamonds' that would only be because I want something no one else has...
I never go out/meet/do anything with men who do not want to be with me. No one 'steals' a man, if a man leaves you, he would have done that anyway and no pretty face or long legs would ever make any difference. Some are stayers, others are goers. That's all there is to eat.
The thing is to find a 'mate' (any sex) who you would give your life for unconditionally and who treats you as you would want to be treated. There are very few of those people around.
but are you really going to crawl up that window again and send your already bleeding body through the shuttered glass onto the ground for the second time to make absolutely sure you won't have to face the disappointments of this world again...?

Nope, such thought did not even enter my mind,never ! Yep I've had my better days and worse days through my days like anyone of us and luckily, I always managed to get out of it relatively unscathed so what a reason to worry ? I'm a strong enough person to walk out with my head held high against all the odds - at the end of the day it's only her to be blamed for our split - I've explained to her this simple fact full square in the face because I'm a honest man. I never hid behind anyone's back and never lied blame on anybody else for my mistakes ;) But she blamed me for a things I never did what is more, I hadn't even dreamt of -right , cutting straight to the chase , life is going to be a great teacher how to act on :)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 28 sie 2016
girls like diamonds
...hmmm Not all gold that glitters :)
Cytat: Robbertoxx
girls like diamonds
...hmmm Not all gold that glitters :)

...not all that glitters is gold...:-)
...not all that glitters is gold...:-)

@Terri I have a gut feeling that you're desperate to catch me on my mistakes :-) Not only you ;)
Just a women's nature ? I got used to ..:-)
>>>@Terri I have a gut feeling that you're desperate to catch me OUT on my mistakes :-)
serduszko, never. Ale czy nie lepiej jest jak ktos taki jak ja (mloda, wysoka blondynka z sex-appeal) zwroci Ci uwage ze cos jest zle, od tego, ze Ty zawsze bedziesz przekonany ze jest dobrze.
Przeciez wiesz dokladnie, ze na naszym forum chcemy 'szlifowac twoj angielski'.
Niekiedy, ludzie tez zwracaja mi uwage, ze cos zle wypowiem/napisze. Nie wszyscy mozemy wszystkiego wiedziec tak od razu. Ale mam moje oczko na Tobie, gdybym nie miala, to nie obchodzilo by mnie to czy robisz dobrze czy zle. Pomysl o tym.
Nie wszyscy mozemy wszystkiego wiedziec tak od razu.

...Tak to jest prawda, ale z każdym dnie wie się coraz więcej, w kazdej dziedzinie, nie tylko j. Ang. Słuchając BBC QT też nie wszystko w 100 % zrozumiem , ale jak chodzi mnie nie jest wcale tak zle jakbym myślał :). Jeszcze należałoby wziąć pod uwagę fakt czy mówi rodowity 'native " ,czy ' Egyptian migrant ' - dla mnie różnica jest kolosalna :)
Ale czy nie lepiej jest jak ktos taki jak ja (mloda, wysoka blondynka z sex-appeal) zwroci Ci uwage ze cos jest zle, od tego, ze Ty zawsze bedziesz przekonany ze jest dobrze.

...I am absolutely convinced that me , approaching my 40's and yet having 'a southener's type of skin ' still stand a good chance to fall in love but mind the one thing : It's easier to fall in love than fall out of love , a friend of me once said . He was right :)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 30 sie 2016
Ale mam moje oczko na Tobie

Nice of you . Well, so I must have some sort of potential inside me or whatever it is called .( pewnie dostanę ochrzan ,że 'zjadlem' OF " -ale przyzwyczailem sie pisać 'inside me ' bez 'of' ) :) a nawet uważam ,ze uzycie 'of' byloby błędne pomimo ,że wiele ludzi pisze " deep inside of me ' - lepiej " deep inside me :))' : of course - if I was indifferent you would simply have said to me get lost or worse @Terri PSS ; a mate of me had been in the UK for about 5 years and he can barely introduce himself - what a shame :(
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 30 sie 2016
what comes to love and devotion - I seem that if you waste the very first chance coming through it may appear that you'll never be gifted with the second one - so you must grab the very first one coming through your life and do all out - unless if u want to fall asleep keep wondering what was wasted and never come again ;) Pss ;I know lots of errors :)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 30 sie 2016
I've only just noticed...I should have written on English before, so mea culpa for that.

I remember Aristotle O. saying a long time ago 'all the money in the world is not worth a fig if you haven't got someone to share it with'...and he should have known..
I can't remember who said this (but I'm sure someone will find this out 'there's no fool like an old fool' and that's why true love is like a lottery, where you have a 10% chance (if that).
'all the money in the world is not worth a fig if you haven't got someone to share it with'.

I've had a philosophy course during my studies but I can't recall it letter in letter . It is likely that it went more or less like that
hmmm , and ,you can always spend all these money on only yourself ,but this will not make you a happier man because of that :) Good line - there is a plea :)
To flipside this, we have at least our President who cares about good name of Poles all over Europe despite that nation seems evenly devided . Thank goodness we don't have a migrant's influx or suicide attempts as yet, that is why our situation looks better at all than it is all over Germany or France . Frankly , it must be pure madeness in thinking that ''Multiculti" would ever contribute to anyone's prosperity , to cut through to what really matters they are paying the price for their mindless and utterly irresponsible policy , luckily some seem to get this issue right with all its wrongs and rights. I am entirely sure it'll take quite long to get things back on track unless they are withdrawn from what they seem mindlessly carry on with ;) No matter what the outcome is I'm convinced we are better off without this sort of thing :)
@ Terri - I think I'll need at times your watchful eye to get me straight and forward at what I attempt to do , it's mainly you to have right to criticise me, not just a perfect stranger or 'passer by' -Hmmmmm, I'm not too sure how can I put it right to express myself clear :)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 05 wrz 2016
Robić coś ' na odwal się '? = 'to go through the motions ? często spotykam ten idiomatyczny zwrot ; I just went through the motions doing it simply because I was not too enthusiastic about that " czy to wlaściwie rozumiem ?? :) albo ' I was to deal on the end of my tether....and yet with no perspectives of sudden growth " - czy znaczy ,że dałem z siebie wszystko,ale ktoś /coś mnie blokowało ? hmmm . też powiedziałbym : I gave my all, I did all out ' ' I just went all out " albo coś takiego @Terri. Jest tyle róznic znaczeniowych ,iż nie sposób dokładnie przetłumaczyć albo " midnight oil burner ' - po polsku " nocny Marek :) zupełnie jak ja czasami btw. Ozz's outbacks - rozumiem jako pustynne tereny ,niezamieszkane i nieuczęszczczane :)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 05 wrz 2016
Robić coś ' na odwal się '? = NIE, to jest za silne na ang. 'to go through the motions ?'
'I was 'to deal' (tego nie potrzeba tutaj,) on the end of my tether... to zdanie jest bardzo dziwne...
NIE...at the end of my tether znaczy - przy koncu wytrzymalosci nerwowej
I gave IT my all, 'I did all out' (to jest zle) 'I just went all out - to jest calkowicie inne znaczenie, pomysl co to znaczy.
"midnight oil burner ' - NIE po ang. mowimy...burning the midnight oil..
Ozz's outbacks - pustynne tereny ,niezamieszkane i 'nieuczęszczczane' (nie rozumiem tego slowa) ale to sa tereny gdzie ludzie jeszcze nie mieszkaja.
Thanks @Terri :) tak, I went all out...to będzie inne znaczenie , uświadomiłaś mi to ..raczej bardziej już pasuje jeslo powiem : I've tried my hardest to... " :) ale mogę powiedzieć " ...you were midnight oil burner " ???
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 05 wrz 2016
ale mogę powiedzieć " ...you were midnight oil burner " ???
NIE, no one will understand you. You say...Were you burning the midnight oil? - then people will know what you mean.
You say...Were you burning the midnight oil? - then people will know what you mean.
...thanks again @Terri ,I owe you the one ;) it is all just because I'd heard it from somebody and of course , he might go wrong
>>>I owe you 'the' (niepotrzebne slowo) one ;) it is all just because I'd heard it from somebody and of course , he might 'go' BE wrong
We say...'I owe you one' (meaning I owe you a favour in return)
without " the " ?? :) He must be wrong then ...I think it's better now;)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 05 wrz 2016
he might 'go' BE wrong
oczywiście @Terri ...a jeśli powiem " he must have got it wrong ' albo' he just seemed to get this wrong" będzie bliższe :) nie wiem ,nie jestem nativem :( po prostu ciekaw jestem Twej opinii.
>>he must have got it wrong -ok
>>>he just seemed to get this wrong - ok - będzie bliższe - tak. 'seemed' tutaj mozesz rozumiuec jako 'przypuszczam, ze' - to jest lagodniejsze jak 'must have'-napewno tak bylo.
We are all human, after all.
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