Your Voice Against Poverty

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sorry, that's good --->
one must starve so that one could live in luxury
Such statement is a disservice to many. Why you people always have to resort to stereotypes while giving an opinion. It's more than that; you are to think positive otherwise nothing better is going to happen to those who suffer such misery.

You may ask, what if I was to be in their shoes, how would I behave. Would I seek for help or go on streets to be confounded with the enormity of people's indifference? Should you ever be put in front of those on the margins of society, please think twice before you make a judgement. You will not soothe what they are being through. Perhaps it is high time when you push thoughts and goodwill into effective actions. In lieu of thinking all the time how bad their life really seems to be, give a go as a man of honour and contribute to them by your own personal help.

The reality is that many the disabled and the hompeless live in poverty because they have difficulty earning a living and need more assistance than they can afford.

Everyday we are confronted with the overwhelming problem and if we sit just talking about it we will never turn out to have stomach strength and enough power to show generosity (not money input) or Agapae love towards them.

Think what would lift them out of poverty and thus reduce their miseries.

Your help, could leapfrog all the charities even. It is mostly because help coming from many causes is distorted by government. Honest help means to help to a person in person. Do that and stop talking how poverty spread over your county.
Only true and amiable power of help can overcome all the trite stereotypes people so successfully had been repeating over centuries.


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