good rant

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Hi there,
As people have come up with this great idea and Lukar has so promptly fulfilled their wishes I am not going to waste any time and will use this space to have a good rant. One of those grumpy-old-men type rants, you know....

Tomorrow we are having friends for dinner. I therefore decided to get some \"decent\" food and went to Marks&Spencer this lunchtime. As usual, the place was swarming with pensioners. It seems that they particularly like to shop at the same time as \"normal\" people, those who work nine to five, do. Anyways, with my shopping in my basket, I joined a queue. There was only one person in front of me, an older woman, a pensioner no doubt. After she had put her shopping on the conveyor belt she started vigorously digging in her handbag. This activity took her at least a few minutes, which seemed like an eternity. Finally, when she managed to reorganise the content of her handbag at least twice she paid with a £20 note she found during her first excavation, anyway. Delighted, that we could all finally proceed I was ready to put down my two packs of sausages on the belt. Well, to my surprise she \"found\" some more shopping, hell knows where she stashed it up, and slumped it on the belt! That was the last straw! I managed to stop myself from strangling her while she was practicing juggling but this was just too much. I left the shopping in the store and left, before there were any casualties…
seems to me i\'ve been there, or thereabouts :)
one of the pensioners??? ;)
soon ;) too soon
Don\'t you find this interesting that pensioners pick either weekday lunchtime or weekend to do their shopping? They have the whole time in the world, but no, they decide to raid our Sainsbury\'s just after 10am on Saturdays. I am sure they have organised groups, you know, like those football hooligans. Communicate with each other using walkie-talkies, practice their ambush techniques on paint ball grounds wearing infrared vision goggles, and paint their zimmer frames so they blend with tins of Heinz Beans.
maybe they\'re lonely and looking for a company?

Well, I definitely avoid Saturday late mornings and afternoons, but it\'s not because of pensioners. I rather run away seeing WHOLE families roaming lazily along the isles. I dodge the car trolleys (don\'t know how to call them - the ones kids use), I wait patiently in a line trying to buy cheese and listening to some lady TRYING to make up her mind what cheese to buy... I try to grit my teeth when pushed by a kid whose mother seems not to care... I try to ignore a man who\'s trying to comment on the quality of customer service while this is him who\'s really a pain in the ass...
Geeee.... I hate supermarkets. There\'s only one I go shopping to, and I do my best to go there at unusual times....

But I know perfectly well how you feel waiting behind some old lady of this kind. However, I get a strange impression that being a supermarket_pain_in_the_neck does not depend on age....
sweet revenge of the silver devils
what about online supermarket shopping ? obviously not in poland, as not many polish pensioners can afford a computer and internet access, stil i\'ve read that in england they are spending over £500 each a year, buying stuff on line
btw, what kind of things they can purchase ?!
They are either lonely or they are just creatures of habit. All their working life they shopped at lunchtimes and weekends...

I think that in PL pensioners shop mainly in their local stores and do not venture into big supermarkets so the congestions, including those on supermarket car parks, are caused mainly by family outings ;o)

In the UK some supermarkets have introduced discounts for pensioners on some weekdays, which I think is a great idea. I try not to shop at weekends, but I noticed that my supermarket is best stocked up only on Saturdays and Sundays, and this somehow forces me to make an odd trip at weekends. They have bread that is very similar to Polish bread, it\'s called \"sour dough bread\". ...Now, I am hungry! And it\'s self-inflicted!
Hi onion breath. Are you a normal bitch?
How old is a sweet normal bitch capable of spewing crap like that?
\"Sweet revenge....\" - what does that mean???? Never heard that one before? Where do you live....?
In any case, guys, I have a few comments of my own to add to your steamy rant.

If you think you have it hard, Cebulka, I will tell you a thing or two about pensioneers here in Canada.

Days two avoid shopping:

end of season clearance sale ( not much selection but the pensioneers will be all over the place!)
Pre christmas sale
boxing day
pre+post statutory holiday sale
dollar days
25% of off everything sale
50% off selected items sales
75% and over sale...we are going bankrupt...everything has to go
closing out sales/going bankrupt sales...fantastic deals, grammas and grampas wall to wall.
everything must go...75% and over sales...we are closing forver sales
Sears days,Wal-Mart days etc, etc
week end sales
senior days out for those days ! Notice that they coincide with the seniors governmnet pension pay day...bad day for anyone to shop ( the third of the last banking day....thank God that happens only once a month!)

The reason you want to avoid those days are:

sore toes from being stepped on
eye gouging
sifting and pawing in a state of frenzy
mob scenes
body wrestling
line ups that never move

I have also noticed that heart awareness days in shopping malls ( when they take your blood pressure and talk to you about cholesterol and stuff like that) and things of that nature will bring hoards of seniors into any mall because\'s free and it\'s a social event in itself. Try to avoid that.

\" My wife Mildred has already had two bypass surgeries and one angioplasty last month. Poor Mil, I had to leave her at home... So, babe, how young are you? Care for a jelly doughnut? What you can\'t see can\'t hurt you...\"

And so it goes...

How many days of enjoyable shopping are left to us??? Not very many.

I hate when people stall the line up. I feel like strangling them myself. I still manage to control myself but it\'s hard....The matter of the thing is that you still have people (young and old) pulling out their checks and taking sweet time writing them. And when you think you are ready to move a little they decide to search for a piece of id/ pen/ pencil/ head possibly??? / why not strike a little leasurly converstation with the casheer and YOU are ready to attack.

So this was my beef...end of story. Thank you for your patience :)

Lets jus face it.... we will all get there one day too and we will have others post their thoughts about us too....
Let\'s be nice about the elders.
you are puling my leg or are well behind the curve

btw, never been to Sweet Revenge Patisserie, 4160 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5V 3P7, 604-TRY-SWEET (6[tel]) ?

sweet revenge of the silver devils... ?? What\'s that, Trish?
Never mind the Patisserie... :)
...for your information I have not been to that place yet...trying to keep it low carb.
well, since there is no response from Mz T. I have concluded that it could men two things...none of which are idiomatic expressions.
Figuratively speaking that could mean a few things::

1.the seniors
2.the seniors riding Harley Davidsons bikes
3.the shopping carts...most of them are still silver /it needs to be pointed 4.out though that some are grey or red but definitely NOT the majority
5.maybe seniors riding Harley Davidson\'s and towing buggies behind them
6.since Mz T brought up the sweet tooth issue, I would also concentrate on another possibility....
seniors having a ball with all sorts of pastries before heading to the Swanguard stadium
Well, since there is no response from Mz T. I have concluded that it could mean a few things... that is figuratively and in a very loose context ( I have also concluded that it is NOT an idiomatic expression)


1.the seniors
2.the seniors riding Harley Davidsons bikes
3.the shopping carts...most of them are still silver /it needs to be pointed out though that some are grey or red but definitely NOT the majority.
4.maybe seniors riding Harley Davidson\'s and towing buggies behind them
5.since Mz T brought up the sweet tooth issue, I would also concentrate on another possibility....
seniors having a ball with all sorts of pastries before heading to the
Swanguard Stadium...on their Harley Davidsons of course!

Thank you for your assistence in this matter. You are invaluable on this forum. :/
is she talking about the hair maybe????
It\'s hair, definitely.
of course i was figuratively talking about the hair ! yet too prozaically i guess... i\'m not that good at idioms, not to make them up myself :)

though the vision of horde of silverhair or no-hair-at-all jaunty gaffers attacking suburban shopping mall in their siver, grey, red or any other war colour shopping carts, equipped with electric engines, quietly emerging from nowhere, always in front of you, behind you, surrounding you, enough ! was worth a little misleading you :D

btw, brilliant thing, straight from my worst dreams, from now on i will definitely make my shopping on-line, slowly becoming miserable because of not being capable of seizing an opportunity of becoming friendly with some nice, perhaps even sweet in some way :) granny (NOT !), but where at least i won\'t be able to tell who the f**k is in line behind me, making my beer getting wormer!

went shopping :)
What was it you just said...????
I must be with the old gaffers...btw we call them old geezers.... :)
People, what are you talking about?
Gosh! Trish! You swore!
Shopping carts, you say. Have you seen this Irn-Bru advert with an older lady?

(one line)

absolute classic!
staruszki or starowinki, one brand
though different quality :)
haven\'t been that lucky so far, and my computer is a bit fussy today, does only what he/she ? (definitely she :) wants to do, but i know the beverage itself
first time i tried it, i thought it was completely without a taste, unless you like canned water of course, but than i took my chance and had another shot, and... was it a delicate flavour of tangerines ? yes
yet i heard tat in glasgow it\'s a tough competition for coke :)
You have to download QuickTime Player (free software), however it may also run in Windows Media Player (or whatever it\'s called).

I haven\'t tried Irn-Bru, yet. However, I have been a bit adventurous recently and sampled ginger beer, once on its own and many times ;) \"upgraded\" by single vodka. I have to admit, I am not a vodka drinker, but that mixture went down very well (and quick).
I know, i have been trying for half an hour, but no effect. This stubborn machine just laughs at me, spitting out some impossible to understad instructions (it must be in chinese), inducing my juicy \'french\' comments. \"Error, error, error\", like it had a parrot\'s brain. I can only assume, it is so packed with mixed music, music to be mixed, \'music that is crap, but you never know\' and I don\'t know, blue movies perhaps ? But no problem, I\'ll watch it on my own computer.

Oh, ginger beer with vodka ? I have to try sometime :). Probably when I\'ll be sure, I don\'t have to get up too early. Personally I love ginger beer with some gin, like in \'gin & tonic, the curse of miserable housewives\'. It seems a nicely balanced, refreshing start of an evening, an apetizer, as my friend calls it, but too easly it can become your ruine. One of my friends was found lying on the floor of his own pub (this is what we call a real landlord here :D), with - I\'m not joking - a broken thumb. And he still claims to remember nothing from what could have happened during the night ! How could I miss it !?

that\'s awful !
THIS is the way to do are in and out of the store in a split second and no one\'s in your way...young or old. No one will argue with you, ask questions or hog the line. And are you ready for this?...... you don\'t even have to pay! A shoppers dream come true!

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