pure curiosity

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
How come that some of you help other people through this webpg every day???
I'm amazed with your sacrifice! or maybe I'm wrong and you work here or sth... Of course I do appreciate a nice piece of advice but what about your private life? Have you got any time to go out? I'm sure I don't have to list any nicknames:))))
speakin of free time, do you have too mych of it?
im aksin since its one of the most inventive topics ive ever seen here
you are not quite with me... I had no intention to talk about spare time. I've just wanted to know, why some people spend so much time helping others for nothing?? I would like to ask about motivation, reasons, causes..........
You might not think of it, but quite a lot of us works actually on the computer.S o we are stuck to the computers anyway.Popping in and out twice a day and looking trough the posts doesn't take more than 10 minutes. It isn't such a great sacrifice in the end. We all might need some kind of help one day but will be anybody to help us?" what goes around, comes around"
Me, I pop in when I'm actually working on my comp, mostly when I have a translation job going and I take short breaks, visit this site and see if there's something for me to do. That is mainly why I usually give short answers so that there is usually something to add. There is at least one more Internet community that I partake in at the same time. I have also been forced from time to time to write in a more 'official capacity', setting straight some lies and misinformation about the place where I teach.
Why do i do what I do? I'm a teacher... However, I don't think I would be so active if i didn't have so much to do translation-wise.
I am happy to see more people willing to help others here recently - there was a time not so long ago when whatever help was given was contributed by four or five people.
Long Live Lukar and Ewa and the contributors!
Finally, where the hell is CEBULKA?!!!
exactly, I also miss our sweet Cebulka ;)
In London, I suppose...?:)
thanks a lot for your answers. I was supposing that you've stuck to the screens because of your job, however........it's really hard to believe it's just 10 min! Besides why instead of having nice cup of tea you are still sitting in front of the comp?? I've come across this page by accident and I find it a bit addictive :/ Don't you think so?
1) I like helping
2) I'm a teacher and I want to know what's on students' minds...
3) I do some translations, work a bit with a computer, read newspapers on-line - it's easy to change the windows and pop in here.
4) I don't watch tv - that's where I save quite a lot of time, I guess.
5) Most of my friends work really LONG hours, so....
6) I've learnt to speak on the phone and type my posts at the same time.
May be a bit uncomfortable to hold a receive, but...it works....
"Besides why instead of having nice cup of tea you are still sitting in front of the comp?"

midori, you can always have a nice cup of whatever you want while sitting in front of the computer

and when having a nice cup of coffee, helping people, dealing with English is what really counts for you....combining them all is nothing but pure pleasure

still, I'm just a novice here
The formula in my case is:

(Jerome Eugene Morrow x [Jane Hatchet - Richard] x Jan Miodek x Batman + expected brevity of communication) ^English / (hindered typing x time for self-improvement) ^English + challenge & exploration - rest from the comp = me in here :)
*Jane Hatchard*
Why help?
If you help your neighbour now, then one day he may help you.
or not but at least you did a good deed :)))))))
don't exaggerate and really check the amount of posts. It isn't more than 10 min daily, trust me. Sometimes even every 3-4 days.
By the way, I also have a time for a nice cuppa:))
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


CAE - sesja zimowa 2004


Studia językowe