sprawdzi ktoś

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My fridge is much food. There is much different products, because balanced diet is important. In the fridge there are margarine, , milk, youghurt, cheese, ham , mineral water, tuna , eggs, bread, fresh fruit and vegetables. Still in my fridge there are sweets: a bar of chocolate and cake. In fridge isn't any convenience food. I think that diet is healthy.

mam opisać wygląd lodówki:)
My fridge is filled with many different products, because the balanced diet is in my opinion very important to stay in good health. There are for example (lub uzyj "inter alia" co oznacza miedzy innymi) margarine, milk, yogurt, cheese, ham, mineral water, tuna, eggs, bread, fresh fruit and vegetables. In my fridge are some sweets as well, like a bar of chocolate or cake. You can´t find here any convenience (co chcesz przez to powiedziec- fast food?) food. I think that those kind of diet must be really healthy.

Troche porpzerabialam, zeby nie brzmialo za surowo, moga byc jakies male usterki, ale mysle ze niewielkie :)
pare dni temu, poprawialam originalny post o tym samym. Tylko, ze ja to zwrocilam uwage gdzie sa bledy, ty akurat odrobiles prace za LENIA, ktoremu nawet nie chcialo sie poprawic moich wskazowek.
Czy myslisz, ze osoba sie w ten sposob najlepiej nauczy? On bedzie mial zaliczenie z tego, a tak naprawde to bedzie wiedzial jedno duze 'O',. Mielismy juz ludzi tutaj na forum, ktorzy NIBY zdali jakies tam egzaminy, ale nie mieli duzego pojecia o jez. ang.
(lub uzyj "inter alia" co oznacza miedzy innymi)
p.s. tak nie mowimy po ang w notkach.
***I think that those kind of diet must be really healthy.- to nie jest poprawnie.


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