Mam tu jeszcze jedno zadanie, nie wiem czy poprawnie zrobiłem.
Name the variants of the underlined sounds in the context of the following sounds /dark/clear l; aspiration/lack of aspiration; loss of plosion; nasal plosion; lateral plosion; retracted; dentalized/
e.g. healthy, bottle, ninth, keys, chipmunk, hot time, drawback, speak, trade, Atlantic, back, fill, repeat, like, sponge, in the
fill – dark L
like – clear L
ninth – dentalized
healthy – dentalized
in the - dentalized
sponge – retracted
drawback - retracted
chipmunk – nasal plosion
Atlantic – lateral plosion
hot time – loss of plosion
bottle – loss of plosion
speak – aspiration
trade – aspiration
keys - aspiration
repeat – aspiration
back – lack of aspiration
What is the possible reduction of the triphthong in the words: ‘flower’ and 'enjoyable', ‘conveyor’, ‘tiredness’?
‘flower’ - aʊə > aə > a:
‘enjoyable’ - ɔɪə > ɔə
‘conveyor’ - eɪə > eə
‘tiredness’ - aɪə > aə > a:
Give 2 examples of English and Polish words with the velar nasal and underline where the velar nasal appears.
English: sing, long
Polish bank, kankan
What mistakes do Polish learners make in words: 'godfather' and 'sheepdog' and why do Poles make such errors?
They separate ‘df’ and ‘pd’ sounds because in Polish we don't have 'd' sound followed by 'f' and 'p' followed by 'd'.