Apocalypse 2012.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
It's got kinda quiet on forum. I thought the world has ended already.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 21 gru 2012
No, we're just making most of the time that's left....
As due to ending of the World ... i do NOT believe in any of these deadlines given to us and i;ve never believed, to be honest ...it is absolutely unpredictable as you know your Bible , Terri ;) I;ve read quite a lot so i am rather " down to earth ' sort of person .
I wouldn't be too sure that the ending of the world (as we know it) is so 'absolutely unpredictable'.
I believe that the worst thing God ever gave us is 'free will' to do as we want - for it is this that will kill us all at the end.
He can just sit back and watch us all destroy ourselves thinking "I knew you couldn't handle it".
Yes, it's going to be amongst the worst options : ' our free will" and " do whatever you are willing to do "
The end of the world didn't come on account of the main 'constructor' had backed down on/from the deal.
'no one knows about that day or hour'...
Cytat: grudziu
'no one knows about that day or hour'...

maybe not, but we know it will not be 21.12.2012.....so that's something
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.