Commas / Przecinki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wakacje się kończą więc pora się zabrać do nauki.

Four Comma Rules:

1. Use commas to separate three or more items in a series. The items may be expressed as words, phrases, or clauses.

The wedding was delayed an hour because the groom was hung-over, the best man had forgotten the ring, and the bride was in tears.

2. Put a comma between independent clauses when they are joined by: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (You can remember these words easily if you notice that their first letters spell "fanboys.")

I knew I was going to be late, so I went back to sleep.
I hope I do well in this interview, for I really want this job.

3. Put a comma after an introductory word, phrase, or dependent clause that comes before an independent clause.

Exhausted and cranky from staying up all night, I staggered into class.
Rob, you aren't paying attention.
No matter how hard I try, I will never forgot you.

4. Use commas to set off any word, phrase, or dependent clause that is NOT ESSENTIAL to the main idea.

e.g. Notice the difference between:

The children who were dressed in clown costumes had ice cream. (Only the children dressed in clown costumes had ice cream.)

The children, who were dressed in clown costumes, had ice cream. (All the children wore clown costumes and had ice cream.)



Insert the 20 commas that are missing in the following paragraph.

As long as you are prepared and confident you'll find that an employment interview need not be a terrifying experience. Some people believe it or not actually enjoy employment interviews and attend them with enthusiasm. Most of us however are intimidated by the prospect of being interrogated by an interviewer or even worse a team of interviewers.

To prepare for an interview the first thing you should do is to find out as much as you can about the company. Among the things you need to know are the title of the job you are applying for approximately how much it pays the name of the person or persons who will conduct the interview the address of the company how long it will take you to get there and the location of the washrooms.

Employment consultants usually recommend that you make an advance visit to the office of the firm to which you've applied in order to confirm how long it takes to get there and where the interview room is. While on your scouting mission you can learn valuable information about the company's working conditions employee attitudes and even dress code.

On the day of the interview be sure to show up ten or fifteen minutes in advance of your scheduled appointment. When the interviewer greets you you should do three things: memorize his or her name identify yourself and extend your hand. Your handshake should be brief and firm not limpy passive or bone-crushingly aggressive. Practise! Now all you have to do is relax and enjoy the interview.
>Wakacje się kończą więc pora się zabrać do nauki
buu :( naszczescie ja mam do 25 wrzesnia wakacje :-D
ale przyklad z tym weselem lol
Nie zakończyłaś wypowiedzenia znakiem interpunkcyjnym.
>Nie zakończyłaś wypowiedzenia znakiem interpunkcyjnym.


Prawidłowa odpowiedź:
>> .

>Prawidłowa odpowiedź:

Jednak z ta empatia nie do konca jest tak jak myslalam. Ja piszac "Sadystka" nie krzyczalam. Ja tylko spokojnie sobie skomentowalam: "Sadystka."

Ide do moich zwierzakow. One ze mna nie dyskutuja.
Specjalnie komentowałaś bez znaku interpunkcyjnego, a teraz chcesz uniknąć odpowiedzialności, ha!
No i ile punktow na 20 zdobylam??
Acha, i jeszcze jedno, w tekscie jest blad: zamiast "limpy" powinno byc "lipmly".
A oto moja wersja:

As long as you are prepared and confident, you'll find that an employment interview need not be a terrifying experience. Some people, believe it or not, actually enjoy employment interviews and attend them with enthusiasm. Most of us however are intimidated by the prospect of being interrogated by an interviewer or, even worse, a team of interviewers.

To prepare for an interview, the first thing you should do is to find out as much as you can about the company. Among the things you need to know are the title of the job you are applying for, approximately how much it pays, the name of the person or persons who will conduct the interview, the address of the company, how long it will take you to get there and the location of the washrooms.

Employment consultants usually recommend, that you make an advance visit to the office of the firm, to which you've applied, in order to confirm how long it takes to get there and where the interview room is. While on your scouting mission, you can learn valuable information about the company's working conditions, employee attitudes and even dress code.

On the day of the interview, be sure to show up ten or fifteen minutes in advance of your scheduled appointment. When the interviewer greets you, you should do three things: memorize his or her name, identify yourself and extend your hand. Your handshake should be brief and firm, not limply passive or bone-crushingly aggressive. Practise! Now all you have to do, is relax and enjoy the interview.
Most of us however are intimidated by the
>prospect of being interrogated by an interviewer or, even worse, a
>team of interviewers.

Brakuje dwóch przecinków.

Among the things you need to
>know are the title of the job you are applying for, approximately how
>much it pays, the name of the person or persons who will conduct the
>interview, the address of the company, how long it will take you to
>get there and the location of the washrooms.

Brakuje przecinka.

>Employment consultants usually recommend, that you make an advance
>visit to the office of the firm, to which you've applied, in order to
>confirm how long it takes to get there and where the interview room

Wszystkie przecinki w złych miejscach.

While on your scouting mission, you can learn valuable information
>about the company's working conditions, employee attitudes and even
>dress code.

Brakuje przecinka.

When the interviewer greets
>you, you should do three things: memorize his or her name, identify
>yourself and extend your hand.

Brakuje przecinka.

>Now all you have to do, is relax and enjoy the interview.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.