Proszę o sprawdzenie wypracowania!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chciałabym, żeby ktoś mi pomogł sprawdzić czy w miarę dobrze napisałam to krótkie wypracowanko. Prosze pisać nie tylko moje błedy, ale także wszelkie sugesje ;-)) Z góry dzięki :*

My typical weekend
My typical weeken starts at Friday aftenon when I come back to the school. Usually I spend it at do my homework and kick back in my home. I talk to my friend in internet in the evening.
In Saturday I sleep at late. It is only day at the week when I let for this. Next I wash, clin my room, eat breakfast and arang with my friends. Usually we go at walk or we go to the restaurant type fast food.
I go to the cinema, concert or other performance in the evening. Eventual I leave in home and I watch gazete, but I seldom spend Saturday evening in the home.
In the Sunday I get up at 6 o\'clock. I go to the race. Next I wash and eat breakfast. At 10 o\'clock I go to the church and meet my friends. I watch TV, gazete and learn in the evening. I rest.
on Friday afternoon :)
from school, a reszty juz mi sie nie chce.
Dzieki lepsze to niz nic, ale czy ktosik sprawdz mi reszte?? Please........