rozmowy, listy po ang

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
kto byłby zainteresowany pisaniem listów po ang?? albo rozmowami przez gg?? :) zapraszam
Hi dorothy89!
I am lacking anybody who would like to gossip with me in English, therefore I reply of your post by this forum. I am very busy man and I have to keep my professional correspondence, in Polish only, unfortunately! I guess it is constructive for my job activity, but uncreative for my at least :(
I haven't neither short-term nor far plans about language-voyage, now. I need to speak up in English, because passive reading the net-posts and etc is insufficient for my. I am afraid I am going back with my English skill.
JC (or j23c if you want :)))
jestem zainteresowana pisaniem po angielsku na gg mój numer 968744


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