Skarga... prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie mojej skargi na WOS. Nie jestem pewna czy jest dobrze napisana. A oto ona:

State Poland violated my human rights. I feel sadness and regret. I tried look for justice in polish court, but I disappointed. I think the state smashed Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Therefore I ask European Court of Human Rights about help. This is my last board of rescue.
I’m the boss of firm ,,The Building with The Future”. I got the order from powers of city Warsaw to build library. We signed contract in May 1997. My firm worked at this project 2 years. The powers of city didn’t pay me for finished occupation. I directed the matter to prosecutor's office in 1999, but process persisted 3 years and one didn’t publish a final verdict. I contested my money in The Warsaw Regional Court. The Procurator remitted matter again. My problem rolled over by many courts, in process did engage human rights spokesman either. I couldn’t regain my money for 7 years. This is very embarrassing. I don’t have a strenght to fight.
I did undergo losses moral. I believe, right is after my side and I will win this process. State can’t smash human right! They are deceiving me and all citizens. It‘s inadmissible. I ask about positive investigation my matter.
With respect


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