
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
anglia-francja-do ktorego tygodnia legalne usuniecie ciazy?..
Musisz poszperac w internecie.
znalazłam coś takiego:

2.3 Abortion law in England, Wales and Scotland is governed by the
Abortion Act 1967. This Act was amended by the Human Fertilisation
and Embryology Act 1990 which led to the limiting of its application to
pregnancies which have not exceeded the 24th week.

wychodzi na to, ze do 24 tygodnia
a z tej ustawy wynika, ze ciążę można usunąć tylko w okrślonych przypadkach:




prohibit the aborting of foetuses in England and Wales unless the mother’s life

as at risk, or where conception has been caused by rape; to make it an

imprisonable offence for anyone to carry out an abortion other than in those

circumstances; and for connected purposes.
iwonka ok do 24tyg..nawet z powodow socjalnych(brak finansow)...zly stan psychiczny kobiety....


bo po 24 to juz chyba papiery od lekarza trzeba miec...ale do 24tyg to chyba norlmalnie....?


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