Prosba o tłumaczenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy ktos moglby to przetlumaczyc na angielski.

\"Otrzymalem od panstwa wiadomosc, zebym zadzwonil w celu przeprowadzenia krotkiej rozmowy w jezyku angielskim.\"
I have received your message that I should call you in order to have a short conversation in English.
I have received your message to call you back in order to have a brief conversation in English.
I think I would change my last version to:

I have received your message to call you back for a brief converstation in English.
I have received your message, saying that I should call you in order to arrange a short interview in English ( Najlepiej tak:-P)
1. Hello, this is so-and-so. I got your message about the interview. If it\'s not a bad time we can do it now (or whatever).
2. Hello, I received a message from you regarding my getting back to you for a short conversation in English.

To me, whenever you choose to say \'your messege\' you believe they remember what they said and repeating it all word for word is like telling them what they already know (read: retarded). Using \'a message\' justifies, in a way, the full message description. But that\'s me, and me is but a humble happy hour.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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