Skala ocen

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jaka jest skala ocen w języku angielskim do, e czy może f?, czy ocena c oznacza 3 czy 4?
GCSE na przyklad:
A, B, C - pass
D, E - near failed
F - fail
U - unclassified

A\'level (niby matura?)
ABCDE - pass

ale to zalezy od rodzaju egzaminu bo moga byc tez:

z \"magisterkami\" to juz w ogole inaczej, ale to Ci innni powiedza...
In High Schools letter grades are equivalents of percentages, after that College and Universities you need credits to pass a subject.

A 93 - 100% Excellent
B 85 - 92% Good
C 77 - 84% Average
D 70-76% Passing
E 55-65% Failing (but eligible for summer school)
F 0-54% Failed not eligible for summer school

There is a lot of information out on the web on credit systems in colleges and Universities (North American system, not sure about Europe and if they have the same thing).


English only


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