Prosze o sprawdzenie!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie!

Personaly I think graffity is vandalism. Young people paint the walls spray, becouse of they aren'y hobby. The paintyng stupid name, and sweer words. Perhapls they aren't interesing entertainments. If they have got space painting. It seems to me confidently they not paint the walls. Young people painting the walls is very harmful for health. It seems to me world will be better graffity. Unfortunatelly, nobody can't this control.
Personally [przecinek] I think THAT graffitI MAY BE REGARDED AS A FORM OF vandalism. Young people paint the walls
>WITH sprayS, becAuse of [bez of] they FIND IT AMUSING. TheY paint stupid nameS and
>swear words. Perhaps they aren't interesTED IN entertainments [zdanie bez sensu?]. If they WERE GIVEN
A space FOR painting, THEY WOULD STOP SPRAYING THE WALLS. It seems to me confidently they not paint the
>walls. [zdanie do wyrzucenia]. Painting the walls is very harmful TO THEIR health. It
>seems to me THAT THE world WOULD be A BETTER PLACE IF GRAFFITI WAS ALLOWED. Unfortunately, nobody can't CONTROL THIS.

Pomyśl nad tym co chcesz napisać, większość zdań jest bezsensu.
bez sensu :)
to napisz mi cos takiego! madralo!
napisz sama, nikt za ciebie tego nie zrobi
Madre angielskie przeslowie:
Don't bite the hand that feeds you
It's unbelievable to me ! It's like cutting of the branch you're sitting on.
Instead of showing at least a fraction of your "cruddy" ( in this case)appreciation you're just snapping at someone who is amiably willing to help you.
You know what, go fly a kite !
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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