pomoc w zadaniu:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam zadanie, w ktorym musze opisać swój najgorszy dzień. Troche już mam ale potrzebuje kogoś kto by to sprawdził i ewentualnie pomogł z zakończeniem. Całość musi zawierać 150-200 słow ale myśle, że w zupełności wystarczy około 170. Za pomoc z góry dziękuję:)

Oto to co już mam...

the worst day of my life was two years ago, it was thursday. i get up at 9 o'clock and i went to the bathroom. next i ate breakfast and I went to the school. it began quite well. I came back from school and put away my back-pack. At 17 I went with my friend to the cinema but when we came to the place it turned out that the seance cancelled. It started rain. none of us had umbrellas. we were all wet.

Zapomnialem dodać ze to jest na jutro więc prosze o szybką pomoc:)
zostawiasz do ostatniej sekundy zadanie, ktore otrzymales w Piatek. Nie rob tego, bo jak nikogo nie bedzie na forum w Niedziele to bedzie kleska.

The worst day of my life was two years ago, it was A Thursday. I (I zawsze duza litera) 'get' GOT (czas przeszly) up at 9 o'clock and I went to the bathroom. Next I ate breakfast and I went to 'the' (niepotr) school. It began quite well.
At '17' (nie, tutaj napisz at 5p.m.) I went with my friend to the cinema, but
when we came to the place it turned out that the seance WAS cancelled. It
started TO rain. None of us had umbrellas. We were all wet.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie