
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
WItam mam prośbę dotyczącą sugesti do moich zadań ponieważ nie wszystko jak się okazało jes ok :)
What are these forms and documents?
1.You fill this in when you are writing off for a job (applicationform jak się okazało jest źle).....
2.You may have to fill this in (often on a plane) when you enter another country(landingcard jest źle)
3.This is put in your passport and gives you permission to enter, travel through or leave another country (VISA to jest ok)
4.This document has your name on it and photo to show who you are (identity card jest źle)
5.You often fill in one of these before you start a course (enrolmentform jest źle)

DRUGIE (niestety nie potrafię tego uzupełnić)
Complete the sentences with the right expression. Remember to use the correct tense
1.I ...... her last night in the shopping centre.
2.UN employs negotiators whose job is...... between different parties whenever a conflict might arise.
3.I like dealing with problems right away, and it is really hard to do that if people ..... instead of being direct
4.The whole project ..... , because nobody had thought how to transport the materials.
5.The queue for work permits was incredibly long. We had been waiting for several hours, and everyone was on the look out for people who would try ...
6.If we do not find a solution to that problem, very soon we ... a much bigger ... .
Type the word defined below

working well (effective źle)
tools and instruments (equipment źle)
Complete the dialogue with the correct words
A: I've got a ten-year passport but it .... in one month's time.
B: But aren't you planning to visit China next month?
A: Yes, I am. So I'd better.... it fast. Do you know where?
B: Yep, you need to go to the municipality. Oh, and remember to.......the form at the bottom. I forgot and had to wait twice as long.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie