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One of the best valuable tools for students is computer.
Computer is said to be the most precious tool among students. For majority of them it is called as window on the world (nie wiem chcialam napisac okno na swiat) because they can find plenty of information about every topic they can dream of. It is possible to read about ancient Rome or simply check what is the population of China without necessity of going to library. Students can save their time and get useful information effortlessly . Another thing, computer creates opportunity to communicate with people from all over the world. It is a good chance to improve language skills and broaden horizons. They can also share their hobbies, make new friendships. Moreover, this tool provides an entertainment. If student wants to relax or kill time (szukam ladniejszego zwrotu) , may listen to music, watch film or play games. No wonder that computer is priceless tool in students’ society.
a co z przedimkami? tymi malymi 'a', 'an' i 'the'.

One of the best valuable tools for students is (tu cos brakuje) computer.
(tu cos brakuje) cComputer is said to be the most precious tool among students. For (tu cos brakuje) majority of them it is called 'as' A window on the world because they can find plenty of information about every topic they can dream of. It is possible to read about ancient Rome or simply check what is the population of China without (tu cos brakuje) necessity of going to (tu cos brakuje) library.
Another thing, (tu cos brakuje) computer creates opportunity to communicate with people from all over the world. It is a good chance to improve language skills and broaden (tu cos brakuje) horizons. They can also share their hobbies(,) AND make new friendships.
Moreover, this tool provides an entertainment (of what sort?) . If (ytu cos brakuje) student wants to relax or kill time, he/she may listen to music,
watch (tu cos brakuje) film or play games. No wonder that (tu cos brakuje) computer is (tu cos brakuje) priceless tool in (tu cos brakuje) students' society.
kurcze straszny mam problem z tymi przedimkami:(musze pamietac zeby ich uzywac.Dziekuje za spr, mam jeszcze jednp pyt do ciebie terri bo jestes naprawde dobra ,uwazasz ze moga byc te prace co pisze czy ich poziom jest raczej slaby,bardzo bym chciala podszkolic sie w pisaniu tylko za bardzo nie wiem jak to zrobic,moglabys mi cos doradzi,bardzo prosze
pierwsze pokonaj te przedimki. Przecztaj uwaznie w podreczniku i tutaj na stronie (gramatyka) jak one same lubia byc uzywane. Wiesz, nie kazdy przedimek zyczy sobie byc blizko niektorych wyrazow, one to sa takie male a takie az 'wybredne'.
Pozniej (tzn od jutra) pisz takie sprawdzianki jak ta, i moze staraj sie uzywac wiecej kolorystycznych 'adjectives' (tez niekiedy inni maja problemy z nimi). I wchodz na forum i czytaj co inni pisza.
dobrze, dziekuje tak zrobie:)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie