Happy Alleluia, and Easter time!!
colorfull eggs and lamb in basket!
Happy April fool's day!!
[konto usunięte]
10 kwi 2006
Easter is the time to engage yourself in whole lotta merry-making. It´s also the time to express to your beloved how much you love her. So reach out to your sweetheart with your loving Easter wishes.
[konto usunięte]
14 kwi 2006
I just wanted to make sure I was the first person to wish you a very pleasurable, bright and cheery, plentiful, entertaining, and peaceful Easter holiday! I hope you have a very Happy Easter!
05 kwi 2009
ja też potrzebuję życzeń ale takich zwykłych,nie żadnych wierszyków bo to każdy potrafi skopiowac z internetu a napisac takie swoje to niestety nie każdy umie...