Sprawdzenie rozprawki, przygotowywania do matury z Angielskiego R

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Cześć, pisałem mature z podstawy dwa lata temu, otrzymałem wynik 94%, teraz poprawiając mature chce zdawać angielski na poziomie rozszerzonym, cały czas mam bliski kontakt z tym językiem bo dużo siedzę na internecie, jednak uznałem że to nie wszystko i że muszę pisać arkusze większość rzeczy sobie mogę sprawdzić sam jednak nie rozprawki. Dzisiaj napisałem jedną i chciałbym żeby ktoś ja przeczytał, sprawdził, oszacował ile bym dostał punktów za nią, a za co bym nie dostał, gdzie są błędy, dlaczego i co powinienem zrobić żeby się poprawić na przyszłość.

W każdym bądź razie, oto rozprawka z matury rozszerzonej Maj 2006, wybrałem temat "Coraz mniej młodych ludzi decyduje się na zawarcie małżeństwa przed trzydziestym rokiem życia. Napisz rozprawkę przestawiającą wady i zalety zakładania rodziny w późniejszym wieku"

A tutaj moja dzisiejsza napisana rozprawka:
Living in 21st century is for many people may be a hassle, it is known that in times which we are living in, world keeps on moving forward which causes many sacrifices, one of those are decisions of spending life with other person and starting a family. Many people tends to wait after their 30s before deciding about those aspects in their lives which from my point of view have their positive and negative points.
First of all, people which decided to start their own family after 30s, are more expirienced in life in general which grants them ability to encounter more issues within their lives that may overhelm younger ones that made same decision. Secondly it is belived that older people are often financialy independent that gives strong ground in starting new family, younger ones are having problems with this aspect and asking their parents for help. Another point is being mature itself, it is easily noticed how often young ones are breaking up with their partners which may be caused by emotions. On the contrary elders appreciate love and if something does not work out they are trying to fix it.
No matter how convincing may be arguments listed above, every decision in our lives have bad sides. One of those is the fact the decision about starting family later itself does not guarantee us anything, for person that spend whole life on education and career it may be quite a big challage to meet person of the opposite sex and establish relationship with them, due to low social skills. It has to be known that independent older person may come to conclusion they do not need to start family, from their point of view it may cause many problems which are unnecessary for example rising own child, that may cause loneliness in their life that sooner or later will lead them to depression. Similar effect may be caused by postponing overall idea of starting family after our 30s, it is because we are not always sucessful in our lives and it is good to have family that are giving us more motivation.
I strongly belive that arguments on both sides have really convincing points, I can hardly choose between one of them, but I feel that, starting family after being 30 years old, would be better because I belive that I have to learn to live with myself first before living with someone. This is only my speculation. People are saying that love can not be compelled afterall.