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>>>>USA jest państwem, Ameryka Północna to kontynent, na którym znajduje się np. USA i Kanada.
>>> When I was young I always wanted to go to the USA. This (***) country is in North America.
.....Popatrylam jeszcze raz na to zdanie...i wedlug mnie
.....I always .wanted to go to the United States of America. This country is in North America.....
cos tu nie za bardzo, moze jak napiszesz....This country is located in the NAmerican Continent, to bedzie lepiej.
bo nie chodzi o tę samą kawę, tylko wciąż o jakąś nieokreśloną kawę
Tekst VII.
We'll talk about (tutaj brakuje przedimka, ale mozesz napisac to inaczej...'talk about German culture') culture of Germany and learn some new phrases. Also, you should 'take' (nie, chyba tu masz na mysli 'bring') the notebook because we'll probably (brakuje slowa BE) doing exercises on the computer. After (przedimek) meeting I'm going to have some 'coffe' (ortog). 'Shall' (nie, tutaj WILL. slowo 'shall' jest bardzo specificzne, poczytaj gdzies na necie o tym) you go with me?
Terri, zastosowałem "shall", bo mój podręcznik z gramatyki mówi, że "shall" stosuję, gdy:
- chcę zaoferować komuś pomoc;
- zaproponować coś;
- przedstawić propozycję.

Uznałem, że to jest propozycja, dlatego też zastosowałem "shall".

Ale jak mniemam, "shall" mogę stosować tylko w liczbie pojedynczej? Tego podręcznik nie precyzuje.
edytowany przez Aleksyz20: 02 lut 2016
Alaric, skoro "because we'll probably doing exercises on the computer " jest błędnie, to jak mogę inaczej napisać "ponieważ prawdopodobnie będziemy robić ćwiczenia na komputerze?
brakuje ci słowa
I am glad 'shall' i 'a' before coffee is limited to limeyland:)
- chcę zaoferować komuś pomoc;....Shall I help you?
- zaproponować coś;...Shall we dance?
- przedstawić propozycję.......Shall we go to the cinema?
Jak sam widzisz, po shall mamy 'I albo we'. W zadnym podreczniku nie bedzie 'shall you.....'.
edytowany przez terri: 02 lut 2016
TEKST VIII. Krótki fragment opowiadania, które usiłuję napisać. Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności gramatycznej.

One time there lived a man, which was an extraordinary person. People always thought that he is a little crazy and looked at him with a compassion. Unfortunately they did not know that he suffered from depression for years. He was a shy, middle-aged scientist who couldn't accept that his daughter was dying. Tom tried to find a way to make people immortal, including his own daughter. He wanted to create a cure for the death. In the end he gave up and decided to leave his dream about an eternal life. But life is unpredictable. He didn't know that God prepared for him something special, something what will change his life forever.

John, because that was scientist's name, decided to leave his homeland and go to Moscow, to his only family. On a railway station he met a weird man who told him there is always a hope. - Everything what you have to do is to believe. Just trust in God! - he said. John looked at him and didn't know what to think about this. He was a little confused, in a fact he never believed in God.
edytowany przez Aleksyz20: 06 lut 2016
W 1 zdaniu zastąpił bym which na inne słowo. Dlaczego present tense w 2?
On a railway station
in a fact he never believed in God.
edytowany przez Aaric: 06 lut 2016
what you have to do is to believe osobiście, bym zgubił jedno to
+ tam zamiast "Tom" powinno być "He".
One time there lived a man, 'which' (o ludziach zawsze mowimy WHO) was an extraordinary person. People always thought that he 'is' (ja dalabym 'was') a little crazy and looked at him with 'a' (niepotrzebne slowo) compassion. Unfortunately (daj tutaj przecinek) they did not know that he (tu brakuej slowa HAD) suffered from depression for years.
He wanted to create a cure for 'the' (niepotr slowo) death.
He didn't know that God prepared for him something special, something 'what' (to jest kalka z polskiego 'co', ale w ang mowimy THAT) 'will' (ja dalabym 'would') change his life forever.

John, 'because' (to slowo nie za bardzo pasuje tutaj, lepiej...as) that was scientist's name, decided to leave his homeland and go to Moscow, to his only family. On a railway station he met a weird man who told him there is always 'a' (niepotr) hope. - Everything 'what' (znowu ta sama kalka z polskiego 'co', w jez. ang. uzywamy inne slowa, tutaj THAT) you have to do is to believe.
He was a little confused, in 'a' (po co to 'a' tutaj jest, calkowicie niepotr) fact he never believed in God.

Masz problemy z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the). Popracuj wiecej nad tym.
Everything All what you have to do is ...
Everything what you have to do is ...
TEKST IX. Krótki fragment opowiadania z dialogiem. Proszę o sprawdzenie gramatyki. Wiem, że mam problem z przedimkami, ale będę nad tym pracował, gdy dojdę do tej części gramatyki.

Long time ago lived a man who could not understant why people have to die. 'It is a really horrible thing to see how your friends leave you day after day,' he was always saying. His name was John. John was a middle-aged man with a long, brown beard and ginger moustache. His blue eyes and fair-skinned body always made him look like a zombie. He was also a scientist who was trying to find a cure for death. Unfortunately it was a sisyphean labour without a chance of success.

It was a beautiful, sunny day. He was waiting for a bus. 'Excuse me, have you got a packet of cigarettes?' he asked some man at a bus stop. 'There is always a cigarette in your mouth. What happened today? Where are your cigarettes?' - a stranger asked. John looked at him and he did not know what to think. 'Such a dirty man' he thought. 'I forgotten my packet. Will you give me one or not?' John said. The stranger man quickly looked at him and gave a one cigarette. After that he started talking about his political views. He said that republicans are horrible and the president is the worst head of state that Americans ever had. John did not say anything, he was just standing there and looking at the street.

The bus arrived. It was crowded inside but John found a seat for himself. The stranger followed him and took a place close to John. 'It is necessary to know that God does not exist. Do you believe in God, mister John?' - he asked. 'What is your problem?! Why are you asking my about all these things? Leave me alone. I just wanted a cigarette, not talk'.
edytowany przez Aleksyz20: 12 lut 2016
(brak przedimka 'A') long time ago THERE lived a man who could not 'understant' (ortog) why people 'have' (chociaz ja dalabym 'had') to die.
John was a middle-aged man with a long, brown beard and (dalabym przedimek) ginger moustache. His blue eyes and fair-skinned body always made him look like a 'zombie' O.k. ale mozesz tez napisac 'albino'). Unfortunately it was a sisyphean' (duza litera, to nazwa wlasna) labour without 'a' (tutaj lepiej daj 'any') chance of success.

'I (tutaj brakuje slowa 'have') forgotten my packet.
The 'stranger man' (nie, nie tak. Albo 'the stranger' albo ' the strange man') quickly looked at him and gave 'a' (nie wiem o co tu chodzi, chyba miales na mysli HIM) one cigarette.
He said that republicans are horrible and the 'president' (duza litera) is the worst 'head of state' (duza litera) that Americans ever had.
Do you believe in God, 'mister' (duza litera) John?' - he asked.
I just wanted a cigarette, not TO talk'.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-46 z 46
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